Since Philip is the only Biblical character who is
specifically called an evangelist, his example is a meaningful one for those
who are called to be evangelists today. What are some of the principles one can
learn from his life?
It is important for those who are called to be evangelists
to have a servant’s heart (Acts 6:1-7). At
the beginning, Philip was not an evangelist. He was chosen to be one of seven
deacons and he volunteered to help serve food to widows. He had a good reputation, was full of the Holy Spirit, and
full of wisdom. He was ordained into a ministry of helps when the Apostles laid
hands on him and prayed over him. By serving faithfully, Philip freed up the
Apostles to spend time studying God’s word and preaching. By serving he was
following in the footsteps of Jesus who said, “I did not come to be served but
to serve” and “the greatest in the kingdom is the servant of all.” Later,
because he had served faithfully; God promoted him to become the first
evangelist. In like manner, the evangelist today must be willing to serve
before being promoted by God.
The evangelist must go (Acts 8:5). In Acts 1:8 Jesus commanded the disciples, “…You shall be witnesses to
Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (NKJV) but the disciples did not start to spread out beyond
Jerusalem until Acts 8:1 when “…a
great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they
were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria…”
(NKJV). As part of this Gospel migration, Philip the evangelist went to the
city of Samaria. Notice, he did not stay (like the Apostles), he went. Jesus gave the command, “Go
into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15)
and “Go therefore and make disciples of
all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). These
verses are known as the Great Commission. They are commands to be obeyed, not
just good suggestions. The key word in these verses is the word “Go.” It is not
time for Christians to stay home sitting in the comforter with their feet
propped up watching television, rather it is time to obey Christ’s command to
Evangelists should be willing to go where it is dangerous or
uncomfortable (Acts
8:5). Phillip went to Samaria, where the
inhabitants had a centuries long animosity towards the Jews. It was potentially
dangerous and definitely uncomfortable, but he went anyway. A missionary once
said, “There are no closed doors, as long as one does not care whether one
comes back.”
The work
of an evangelist is to preach Jesus (Acts 8:5). Philip preached Christ to the lost people of Samaria.
There are many different messages preached these days. Ministers preach on the
“anointing”, on “double-portion blessing,” on “Six Secrets to a Happy
Marriage,” on “How to Achieve Financial Security,” and on the meaning of
obscure Greek words, but ultimately, there is only one message that matters.
That message is Jesus! The true evangelist will preach about the miracles of
Jesus, about how He died on the cross for our sins, and how He rose from the
dead. The message of the evangelist is Jesus.
Gospel is for everyone, regardless of race, nation, gender, or background (Acts
8:5). Philip preached to the Samaritans; this was a revolutionary act in his
time. Traditionally the Jews and the Samaritans had no contact with one
another. They hated each other. Yet, Philip broke tradition and went to those
who were different. In doing this, he followed the example of his master,
Jesus, who had ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4). When the
Samaritans accepted the Gospel, it was a great breakthrough because it proved
that Christ is for the whole world, not just the Jews.
preaching of God’s word attracts multitudes (Acts 8:6). When God’s word is
preached, one can expect large crowds of people. Some will accept Jesus, some will ridicule
and mock, but when the Gospel is preached there is definitely not silence. True
Gospel evangelism never remains silent or hidden. When people start accepting
Jesus, a ruckus ensues. Some have questioned the value of mass campaign
evangelism in today’s society but Philip’s story provides a valuable example
for today’s evangelist. Mass evangelism is not the only way people come to
Jesus but Philip’s example shows is a valid way to minister to people. William Booth said, "No sort of defense
is needed for preaching outdoors, but it would take a very strong argument to
prove that a man who has never preached beyond the walls of his meetinghouse
has done his duty. A defense is required for services within buildings rather
than for worship outside of them." Jonathan Edwards said, "Preach
abroad! It is the cooping yourselves up in rooms that has dampened the work of
God, which never was and never will be carried out to any purpose without going
into the highways and hedges and compelling men and women to come in."
preaching of God’s word should be followed by miracles (Acts 8:6-7). Philip
demonstrates that when the Gospel is preached, it is normal for miracles to
occur. Jesus said, “These signs will
follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons… they will lay hands
on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark
16:17-18). When
Jesus sent the disciples out to preach, “They
went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the
word through the accompanying signs” (Mark
16:20). Paul said, “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power…” (1 Thessalonians 1:5). A powerless Gospel is no Gospel at
all. The church does not need a
new definition of the Gospel, but a new demonstration of the Gospel. The
message needs miracles, declaration requires demonstration; in terms a seventh
grade student would understand, the church needs both “show and tell.” Some
have said miracles were only for the Apostles, but Philip was not an Apostle.
His example shows that God’s power worked for the second generation of
believers and indicates it should work in every generation of believers.
Gospel sets people free from demons (Acts 6:7). Jesus took authority over
demonic forces and he gave this authority to His disciples (Matthew 10:1; Luke
9:1). He commanded them to “cast out demons” (Matthew 10:8). When God's
word is preached with power, the devils that are in people get stirred up and
begin to act up. The evangelist should not be scared or bothered by demon
manifestations. Simply take authority over them in the name of Jesus and keep
preaching. People are set free when the Gospel is proclaimed.
joy follows the evangelist (Acts 8:8). When Philip evangelized, the people of
Samaria celebrated because so many sick and paralyzed people were healed. They
were happy because the demon-possessed were set free. They rejoiced because
their sins were forgiven as they responded to the Gospel. Great joy
always follows the preaching of God's word.
When evangelists preach, people
are baptized (Acts 8:12).
Baptism is a sign of salvation. It is not necessary for salvation, but it is a
public testimony that conversion has occurred.
After evangelists lead people to
Jesus, they need the help of other ministry gifts to disciple people (Acts
8:14). First, Philip the evangelist preached and multitudes were saved
and healed. Then, when the church in Jerusalem heard what God was doing, they
sent Peter and John to authenticate the move of God and to disciple the new
believers. After Philip completed his job as an evangelist, the job of the
Apostles began. The most common question the evangelist is asked is: How do you
follow up on new believers? The truth is no evangelist can do everything alone. The evangelist is
not the only one involved in the process of turning a convert into a
disciple. Standing beside the
evangelists are the other ministry gifts; the pastor, the prophet, the teacher,
and the apostle.
The power of God is greater than
any counterfeit magic. Simon the Magician astonished the people of Samaria with his magic
but when Philip showed up it was obvious that Simon’s power palled in
comparison to God’s power. Simon stopped being astonishing and was astonished
himself. There are many different belief systems and religions
in the world today. But, God’s power still stands supreme.
Evangelists preach, sinners are attracted to the Gospel (Acts 8:9-13). Simon was a charlatan, but when he saw the
miracles, he believed the Gospel and was baptized. Was Simon really saved? The
language Luke uses for his conversion is the same language he uses for the
conversion experiences of others.
should not seek personal glory (Acts 8:18-19). Simon was not interested in
using the
power of God to help people; he was more interested in using it to
build his own prestige. In some ministry circles, evangelists are looked
down upon. This is because of the numerous scandals that have resulted from
evangelists who have abused their position. It is time to restore integrity to
the evangelistic ministry.
real Gospel exposes false motives (Acts 8:20). Simon did not want the Holy
Spirit so he could help people; he wanted it for his own personal gain. When
the Gospel is preached, false motives are not able to remain hidden for long.
Evangelists know that some who respond to the Gospel will
fall away. The Bible says that Simon believed and was baptized. This is the
same language the book of Acts uses for others who were saved. Later Peter
curses him and says, “You have no part in us.” Was Simon really saved? If so,
how did he lose his salvation? How do people today lose their salvation?
Sometimes evangelists are criticized because not everyone who gets saved in
their meetings end up attending a local church. The evangelist is often asked,
“Why do some of those who get saved in your meetings fall away?” It is a
shocking statistic that 380 of the 500 people who heard the last words of Jesus
did not follow his command to wait for the Holy Spirit in the upper room. The
fact that some might pray a prayer of salvation at a crusade and later continue
to live in sin is no reason to stop praying with people for salvation.
Evangelists take every opportunity to share the Gospel (Acts
8:25). Peter and John were
not evangelists by calling, but as apostles they did the work of an evangelist.
Because of the word that had spread about the work Philip was doing, there were
many open doors to share the Gospel in Samaria and they took advantage of the
divine opportunity. They went from village to village sharing the Gospel.
Evangelists must go where God
sends them (Acts
8:26). Philip was in the middle of leading a successful revival in Samaria when
an angel of the Lord told him to head south along the desert road to Gaza. As
Philip walked along the road, he fulfilled Jesus’ command to “go out into the
highways and hedges” (Matthew 22:9). God does not want us to stay inside the
four walls of the church. He wants us to take the Good News out on the
roads. Many preachers today would love
to minister to the surfers in Hawaii or in an upscale neighborhood in
California in the midst of luxury, but God is looking for someone who is
willing to go to the desert. God often sends evangelists to spiritual deserts. A
hot, dry road through the middle of the desert is not the best place to be
called, but it is important to go where God tells one to go. There is ministry
waiting to be done in the spiritual deserts of the world.
should be sensitive to God’s voice (Acts 8:26). Philip is led, first by the
angel of the Lord, and than by the Spirit. Both times, he obeys. Luke uses this
to show that Philip’s mission was Spirit-led and Spirit-inspired. So, it should
be with the evangelist today. When God speaks, it is important to listen and
evangelists obey, doors are opened to share the Gospel (Acts 8:27-29). Some
people have hard hearts toward God and some are open and ready to receive. As
the evangelist stays sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and follows His leading,
the evangelist will discover those who are ready to respond to the Gospel.
are desperately needed (Acts 8:30-31). The Ethiopian eunuch needed someone to
explain the Scriptures. Today there are many people who have questions about
God and the meaning of life. Who will answer these questions. The need is
urgent. If the evangelist does not go, then who will tell them about Jesus? How
can they understand unless someone explains? As Paul writes, “For whoever calls on
the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they
call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him
of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless
they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel
of peace, Who bring glad
tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:13-15
When evangelists preach, every Scripture leads to Jesus (Acts 8:32-35). Jesus is the central point of the
Bible. The Old Testament is Jesus concealed, the New Testament is Jesus
revealed. Every verse in the Old Testament points forward to Jesus and every
verse in the New Testament points backward to Jesus. No matter where one starts
reading in the Bible, the scripture leads to Jesus. The difference between a
real evangelist and another preacher who just uses the title is how much they
talk about Jesus. People
preach on many different subjects these days. Some preach on prosperity, others
preach on holiness, some preach on how to be successful in business. Sometimes,
preachers sound like they are reading excerpts from Reader’s Digest more than
they sound like they are preaching the real Gospel. But, for the successful
evangelist, it does not matter where he begins, he always ends with Jesus. For
the real evangelist it doesn't matter what subject he's talking about or where
he begins to read in the Bible, ultimately, his or her sermon will be about
Jesus Christ. The evangelist may begin
by talking about how to have a happy marriage. But by the end of the message,
the true evangelist will come to the place where he invites people to give
their lives to Jesus so they can have a happy marriage. The evangelist may talk about finding peace
in desperate times, but ultimately his sermon will lead back to Jesus, the
Prince of Peace.
Jesus is preached, people get saved! (Acts 8:35-37). When the
Ethiopian heard the Good News he asked, “Is there anything to prevent me from
being baptized?” When the evangelist preaches the Gospel, he or she can expect
people to desire to come to God.
Gospel brings great joy! (Acts 8:39). In
Samaria, the whole city was filled with joy after Philip preached. The
Ethiopian is also filled with joy after being baptized. The Gospel truly is
good news.
When a person gets saved, he or
she often becomes an evangelist. After being baptized, the Ethiopian continued
his trip home. One can imagine him eagerly sharing the good news about Jesus
with everyone in his country. As the treasurer in charge of the kingdom’s
wealth he was a man of considerable influence. Today, the Christians in
Ethiopia trace their spiritual heritage back to this man. Even when ministering
to one person, the evangelist has the potential to impact an entire community
or nation.
Spirit sends evangelists wherever they are most needed (Acts 8:39). Philip was
caught away and reappeared in another city where he continued to preach.
Evangelists are the shock troops of the kingdom. Their function is similar to
the Navy Seals or army paratroopers who are the first to advance into enemy
territory to prepare the way for the main battle group. The evangelist moves
in, does his or her job, and then moves on to his or her next assignment.
Evangelists often travel from
place to place (Acts 8:40). Philip, the only person in the New Testament who is
specifically called an evangelist, was an itinerant preacher, going from place
to place sharing the good news. Today, evangelists often travel in a similar
manner. They “blow in, blow up, and blow out.” Philip’s example sets a Biblical
precedent for today’s evangelist.
Evangelists should have godly
families, above reproach (Acts 21:8-9). One of the great challenges for
evangelists today is in the area of the family. The life of an evangelist is
often difficult because of extensive traveling and a busy schedule. Paul asks
us in 1 Timothy 3:5, “If anyone does not know how to manage his
own family, how can he take care of God’s church?” Unfortunately,
the ministries of many evangelists have been damaged because of divorce and
rebellious children. It is significant that the Bible tells us
that Philip had four virgin daughters who all prophesied. Philip raised his daughters to be holy and
pure. Each of the four daughters kept her virginity in the middle of a city
full of immorality and wickedness. The daughters were also involved in ministry
with Philip. His daughters were a wonderful testimony to Philip’s commitment to
be a Godly father. Philip’s family provides us a picture of what an
evangelist’s family life should look like. First, The evangelist should be
faithful to his wife. Second, the evangelist’s children should live Godly
lives. Third, the evangelist’s children should also be involved in the
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