Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who is passionate about leading people to Jesus.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Visiting the Nation of Egypt
Evangelism in Alexandria
Right after I landed in Cairo, our evangelism team of two
evangelists, several pastors, and a fifteen-member music group drove four hours
north to the city of Alexandria next to the Mediterranean Sea.
The city of Alexandria was founded in 332 B.C. by Alexander
the Great. In 41 B.C. Mark Antony and Cleopatra met in Alexandria. It was the
site of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the wonders of the Ancient World,
and the location of the world’s greatest library.
The first Christian evangelist to go to Alexandria was Mark,
the Gospel writer. It is said that when Mark first entered the city of
Alexandria, the strap on his sandal was loose. He visited a cobbler to get it
fixed. As the cobbler, a man named Anianos, repaired the sandal, he accidentally
pierced his hand with an awl. He cried out in pain, “O One God!” Mark heard his
cry and told him about the one true Living God. Mark prayed for the man to be
healed and his hand was miraculously made whole. Because of the miracle,
Anianos got saved and his whole family was baptized. This was the beginning of
the church in Alexandria.
Mark continued to preach in Alexandria for several years and was martyred there in A.D. 68 by a group of pagan priests who tied a rope around his neck and dragged his body through the streets until he died. To this day, there are Coptic Christian churches in Alexandria that trace their spiritual heritage back to Mark.
In A.D. 641 the Muslims conquered Egypt. Modern-day Egypt is
90% Muslim which means it is a huge harvest field.
We did a two-night evangelistic meeting in Alexandria.
Attendance the first night was 130 people and the second night was 171 people. The
same Jesus who healed Anianos in the first century proved He is alive today by
healing lots of people who came to our meeting. A total of 68 people prayed
with us for salvation in Alexandria! It was an honor to preach in the same
place that Mark once preached.
Soul Winning Conference near Cairo
We gathered together 75 pastors and evangelists and did a
three-day soul winning conference. The conference was held at a beautiful
campground. Your giving helped us house and feed these precious men and women
during the conference. We taught these frontline leaders how to share their
faith with people who need Jesus. On the final day of the conference, we prayed
for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak in other
tongues. Hallelujah!
Preaching in Cairo
I ministered in several churches in one day in Cairo. One was
an Episcopal church, one was Presbyterian, one was Baptist, and one was a
Coptic church. At these churches, a total of 115 people came forward for the
altar call and 43 people testified they were healed by the power of God. It was wonderful to see that God works the
same no matter what denominational label is on the building.
Thank you for sending me to preach the Gospel in Egypt!
Because of your prayers and your giving, we saw a harvest of souls and miracles
in a hard-to-reach country.
Friday, September 14, 2018
What Does Daniel Speak About?
Are you a pastor that needs a speaker for a special event or a Bible school looking for someone to teach?
Recently a Bible School asked me to provide a list of ten classes that I could teach. Here is the list that I provided to them. If you ever need me to teach on any of these subjects, just let me know and I will do what I can to help you.
Recently a Bible School asked me to provide a list of ten classes that I could teach. Here is the list that I provided to them. If you ever need me to teach on any of these subjects, just let me know and I will do what I can to help you.
Evangelism: In the past fifteen years, we have led over 2 million people in a salvation prayer. I can teach on mass evangelism or one-on-one evangelism. I am currently finishing my Doctorate of Ministry research project on the subject of "Mass Evangelism" Here are some books I have written on the topic: http://kingministries.com/shop.evangelism.html
Missions: I grew up as a missionary in Mexico and have traveled to over sixty nations preaching the Gospel. I love inspiring people to fulfill the Great Commission. Check out what we have accomplished in nations around the world: http://kingministries.com/crusade.htm
Apologetics: My latest focus is studying apologetics and I am currently writing my next book on the subject. In a world where there are many voices who challenge our faith, it is vital for the believer to know how to defend what he or she believes.
Healing: We have seen God heal people all over the world. Here are some of the teachings I have done on the subject: God's Healing Power
Serving in the Local Church: I wrote a book about an obscure Bible character named Obed-Edom that will encourage people to get involved in serving God with their time and talents. https://amzn.to/2MqORVf
Practical Ministry Training: I have written extensively on subjects designed to help people launch out in ministry. Topics include: How to Raise Money for your Ministry, How to Write a Book, How to Grow your Church, etc. http://kingministries.com/shop.toolbox.html
Grace: After two years of intense study on the grace of God, I wrote a book on the topic that was published with Harrison House. https://amzn.to/2NLuZ3L
Prayer and Fasting: I have done some good teaching on these subjects too. http://kingministries.com/prayer.html
How to Discover God's Will: I wrote this book to encourage young people to passionately pursue God's will for their lives. https://amzn.to/2MzkAUp
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
We Value Every Partner
Today I had lunch with one of our ministry partners and talking to him made me
so thankful for you. Let me tell you his story…
Tate was homeschooled. He did not have much money, but every
month he faithfully sent a gift to help us preach the Gospel. One month he sent
us a one-dollar bill scrunched up in the bottom of the envelope. Even though
his gift was small, we were extremely grateful because in our ministry every
dollar represents a soul. Over the years we have been able to lead at least one
person to Jesus for every dollar that has gone through our hands. In some
countries, our Gospel Festivals cost more than a dollar per person and in some
countries it costs less, but when all our expenses are averaged and compared
with our results, we have seen a harvest of at least one soul for every dollar
that has been given to our ministry.
A Faithful Homeschool Student
His name is Tate Gomez. He first heard about our ministry
when he was a homeschool student in ninth grade. I was invited to speak at a
homeschool group here in Tulsa and he heard me tell stories about being raised
as a missionary in Mexico. Tate was only fourteen years old but he decided to
give a gift to help Jessica and I go preach the Gospel in India.
That first month, he sent a $20 bill in the mail to us. We
used his gift to purchase books to give to new believers in India. When we
returned home, we sent Tate a report about all the people who were saved at our
crusade in Andhra Pradesh, India. After Tate heard about the salvations in
India, he decided to support King Ministries every single month.

As Tate grew older, he got a job and earned more money and
his giving increased. Some months he sent $20, other months he sent $40; the
biggest gift he gave was $100.
Now Tate is in his junior year at Oral Roberts University.
He is trusting God for provision to pay for college and God has been providing.
This past summer, Tate had the opportunity to go on a
mission trip with Oral Roberts University. Guess where he was sent? He went to
Andhra Pradesh, India, the very place he had sowed into seven years before. He
spent a whole month in Andhra Pradesh ministering at a camp for young people. Tate
had to raise $3,500 to go on his mission trip and God provided every dollar. I
think his first seed into our ministry became a harvest that allowed him to go
on his first mission trip.
I’m Thankful for You!
The reason Tate’s story made me think about you is because
our ministry is fully supported by individuals just like you and Tate. The
truth is that our entire ministry is supported by people who give
sacrificially. Each individual gift might be small, but when they are all added
up together, they allow us to do amazing things for God.
Over the years, we have witnessed over two million people
give their lives to Jesus at our meetings. It never would have happened without
your help and the help of dozens of others just like you.
Every gift is important. Every dollar represents a soul.
Without you, we would not be able to preach the Gospel. Thank you for your
faithful giving. It is your generosity that makes a difference and Jessica and
I are so grateful for you. You are part of an important team of people (The
MillionHeirs Club) who are helping us to reach the world for Jesus. Thank you.
Expect a Miracle in Your Life
When you give to God, you can expect God to open up doors in
your life. God will provide for you. God will give you wisdom. God will keep
you healthy. You can expect miracles from God.
I am asking God for two harvests for every seed you sow into
our ministry. The first harvest is a harvest of souls on the mission field and
the second harvest is a supernatural outpouring of God’s blessing upon your
life. You may not know it, but your giving benefits the kingdom of God and it
benefits your life too.
Going for more souls,
Daniel King
P.S. This month your gift will help me go to a country in the Middle East to preach
the Gospel. God is opening up doors for us in the Middle East to reach people that have
never heard about Jesus. But, we can’t go without your help. Can you give a
generous financial gift to help us this month?
Monday, July 23, 2018
The Healer - Sermon by Evangelist Daniel King
You can be healed. In this insightful message, Daniel King builds your faith for a healing miracle. Listen as he explores the healing stories of Jesus in Matthew chapters 8-9.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Jesus - The Light of the World
Jesus is the Light of the World and if Jesus lives in you, then you are a shining light in the midst of great darkness. Are you shining bright for Jesus? In what areas do you think you could shine brighter? In this inspiring message, Evangelist Daniel King will challenge you to let your light shine.
Monday, June 25, 2018
Caicó, Brazil - Crusade of Faith and Miracles with Evangelist Daniel King
Caicó, Brazil is located in Northeast Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. According to a census in 2013 a total of 66,246 people live in the city. The city has the highest rate of suicide in the state and the third highest rate of suicide in the country of Brazil. Caicó is known as a stronghold of idolatry and the people fight mental depression and spiritual oppression. The city is considered to be a stronghold of Catholicism. The patron saint of Caicó is St. Anne and every year a festival is held by the Roman Catholic Church to honor her memory. Caicó is also known for hosting the largest carnival in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.
The planning for the crusade began six months in advance. A crusade director visited the city of Caicó and met with the local pastors. They indicated their eagerness to participate in the crusade. All nine of the evangelical churches in the city participated in our crusade. The total membership of these nine churches equals 1,357 which is about 2% of the population of the city of Caicó.
Three months prior to the crusade, prayer cards were given to all the church members. Each believer was encouraged to write down the names of ten unsaved people on their prayer card and to begin to pray for them to be saved. When the event drew closer, the church members reached out to the ten people and invited each of them to attend the crusade. Permission was secured from local authorities to hold the event. One month prior to the crusade, one thousand posters were distributed throughout the city. The local churches distributed seventy thousand crusade pamphlets and fifty thousand youth crusade invitations. In the eight days prior to the crusade, seven sound cars were used to announce the crusade for six hours each day for a total of two hundred and fifty-six hours of sound car announcements. Seven hundred and fifty radio spots were run on three different radio stations over a fifteen-day period. WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook were also used to advertise the event.
Our international team of ministers included six Americans, one Canadian, one Paraguayan, one German, and at least five Brazilians. When the team arrived in the city, we immediately began ministering in local schools and neighborhoods. We also gave away food to hungry families.
We held a three-day training event for local believers. Then we did a youth event and used music and a strength team to attract the young people. When the crusade began, the city was ready. On Friday night, three deaf people were healed and began to speak. This miracle caused attendance on Saturday night to greatly increase. We also did a children’s festival and a pastoral leadership seminar.
A total of 641 people filled out decision cards at the crusade indicating they decided to follow Jesus. This harvest of souls represents an increase of 43% in the number of Christians in Caicó, On the Sunday after the crusade, all nine churches in the city reported that new people attended their churches.
Caico Brazil,
Daniel King,
Faith and Miracles
Saturday, May 26, 2018
I Need Your Prayers - Unrest in Brazil is Threatening Our Festival

As our team is getting on the plane, we received word about a strike that is paralyzing the country of Brazil.
The truck drivers of Brazil are worried about rising gasoline costs and they have gone on strike. They are blocking many of the roads with their trucks and because of there actions food is not getting to the stores and gasoline is not getting to the gas stations. Empty grocery stores are causing lots of unrest as people worry about what they will eat.
The president ordered to police to clear the roads, but the police disobeyed because they say they are on the side of the truck drivers in the dispute. So, now the President has ordered the military to clear the roads. In the midst of this chaos, many roads are blocked and many airplane flights are being canceled because of a lack of fuel. For more information, click here.
So I need your prayers for our Gospel Festival that is happening this week.
1. Pray that our entire team makes it to the city where the Gospel Festival will take place.
2. Our sound system is on a truck coming to the Festival from one thousand kilometers away. Pray it will be able to pass through all the roadblocks.
3. Pray many people will come to the Gospel Festival despite the unrest.
4.Pray the chaos will make people turn toward God and many people will be saved.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
An Evangelism Research Project
We are only a few days away from going to Caicó, Brazil
for a Great Gospel Festival.
Our team will be
visiting schools to invite students to the festival. For the
young people, we have a strength team who will be breaking stacks of bricks,
tearing phone books in half, and blowing up hot water bottles in order to
attract teenagers to the festival. One member of our team is a children’s
minister who will be doing a big kid’s festival. We are purchasing lots of toys
and candy to give away to the children. We will be doing a leadership
conference for the pastors and three nights of crusade meetings.
Caicó, Brazil
has a population of 80,000 people and it has one of the highest rates of
suicide in the nation of Brazil. It is known as a stronghold of idolatry. Our
goal is to reach every person in the city with the Gospel. We expect
10,000-15,000 people to attend the crusade meetings.
Research Project
This Caicó crusade
will be my sixth time preaching the Gospel in Brazil, but this will be one of
the most significant of all my crusades.
This is because
in addition to preaching the Gospel to the crowd in Brazil, I will also be
conducting research at the same time.
For the past
three years, I have been working on earning my Doctorate of Ministry degree at
Oral Roberts University. This consisted of taking on-line classes and doing
intensive one-week seminars on campus. All of my class work has been finished
and now all that remains is writing my dissertation.
The Doctorate of
Ministry degree is designed to be a practical degree and so the dissertation
for my doctorate is called an “Applied Research Project.” It consists of writing several chapters of
theological and historical research and then conducting a research project.
You probably
will not be surprised to find that the focus of my study is mass evangelism.
This year, I have been reading dozens of books on the history of mass
evangelism and reflecting theologically on the importance of evangelism.
Now at our
upcoming crusade in Brazil I will complete the research part of my project. The
goal is to provide an academic snapshot of a large evangelistic event in a
developing nation. I have been doing crusades like this for years, but now I
will be able to demonstrate academically what God is doing.
The main part of
the research will consist of taking a survey of all the people who attend the
crusade. Here are some of the questions I will be trying to answer: Who attends
a large evangelistic event? What percentage of the crowd are unbelievers? Are
the attendees religious or secular in their background? If they are religious,
what church do they identify with? Why did people decide to attend? How did
people hear about the event? Which part of the advertising is successful? What
attracted people to come to the event? Do they come for the music, or the
preaching, or the spectacle? Or do they arrive because they are bored and there
is nothing else to do? Do they attend
out of curiosity or because they want to receive a miracle or because a friend
invited them? What beliefs do people bring to the event? What are the
demographics, economic level, and educational level of the people who attend?
Are they children, youth, or adults? Do the unbelievers who attend understand
the message about Jesus that is presented? Do people remember the information
that is imparted through the sermon? Do people respond to the message? How many
people are getting saved at the event?
In addition, we
will be giving pre-crusade surveys and post-crusade surveys to all the
participating pastors in order to capture their viewpoint and interviewing the
volunteers who choose to participate as ushers and councilors at the crusade.
This project
will provide information that will help evangelists be more effective in how
they promote and conduct evangelistic events. This research will also provide
information that can be used to defend and promote the use of mass evangelism
campaigns. And when I finish the research project, I will be Dr. Daniel King.
Thank you! This
month your financial gift to our ministry will be maximized because it will
have an impact on the nation of Brazil, and it will have an academic impact on
evangelism that will endure for many years to come.
Daniel King
P.S. We still
need your help in order to complete the budget for the Brazil crusade. Please
pray for many people to be saved and please rush your financial gift to us. We
need it in just a few days. Every dollar you give will help us reach more
people for Jesus in Caicó, Brazil. Thank You and God Bless You!
Monday, April 30, 2018
Raising Up A New Generation of Evangelists

During the coming month, our ministry is doing two
things to help other evangelists.
1. I am traveling to Johannesburg, South Africa to meet with
a group of evangelists. I have been invited to part of the Executive Committee
of the Global Evangelism Alliance by Daniel Kolinda, the president of Christ
for All Nations, the ministry founded by Reinhard Bonnke. The meeting is
organized by Empowered 21, an organization started by Billy Wilson, the
president of Oral Roberts University. By participating in this meeting, I will have
the opportunity to help develop strategies for world evangelism with other
great evangelists.
2. Our ministry is sponsoring our fifth annual Soul Winner’s
Alliance meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Each year a select group of evangelists
gets together for a time of training, encouragement, and fellowship. Last year,
the evangelists at our meeting had collectively conducted over five hundred
mass evangelism crusades and have seen millions of people ushered from darkness
into light.
Thank You!
Your financial support is much needed and appreciated. When
you support our ministry, not only are you helping us to conduct large
evangelistic events, you are also helping us to train other evangelists.
Because of your giving, hundreds of thousands of people will be rescued from an
eternity in hell! Thank you.
Your financial support this month will help make two
different meetings of evangelists come to pass, one in South Africa and one in
Tulsa, Oklahoma. Both of these meetings will have a direct impact on soul
winning efforts around the world. To GIVE, CLICK HERE.
Soul Winner's Alliance
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
A Conversation About My Visit to an Atheist Convention
On my last blog post about my visit to the National Convention of the American Atheists, I received a lot of feedback. Quite a few atheists attacked me because my opinions differ from atheist positions, but regardless, I appreciate everyone who took the time to comment because my main purpose in going to the convention was to understand atheists better and every comment online has helped me in achieving that goal.
One result of my article was a telephone conversation with two skeptics, Joshua Richards and Rex Burks. They were both friendly and we had a productive conversation.
Joshua Richards used to be a youth pastor, but now he has become an atheist.
Rex Burks is an atheist who has studied Christianity by attending a different Sunday School every Sunday morning for the past two years.
Check out what two atheists and a Christian had to say to one another by clicking here: http://jrrtalking.com/podcast/evangelist-daniel-king-skeptic-rex-burks-on-visiting-the-2018-american-atheist-convention/
One result of my article was a telephone conversation with two skeptics, Joshua Richards and Rex Burks. They were both friendly and we had a productive conversation.
Joshua Richards used to be a youth pastor, but now he has become an atheist.
Rex Burks is an atheist who has studied Christianity by attending a different Sunday School every Sunday morning for the past two years.
Check out what two atheists and a Christian had to say to one another by clicking here: http://jrrtalking.com/podcast/evangelist-daniel-king-skeptic-rex-burks-on-visiting-the-2018-american-atheist-convention/
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Visiting the American Atheists National Convention
Several years
ago, I preached at a church in Missouri and a mother asked me to pray for her
son who is an atheist. He was raised a Christian but after reading a book by
Sam Harris, he stopped believing in God. She asked me to reach out to him
in an attempt to talk him back into the Christian faith. I did and we had
several conversations, but I was unsuccessfu l (so far) in bringing him back to
Christ. This incident encouraged me to study apologetics (the ministry of
defending Christian beliefs) and to start writing a book designed to rescue atheists
from the pathway to hell.
The meeting took
place in a conference room at the Sheridan Downtown Hotel in Oklahoma City. The
last time I was in this room was a pastor’s meeting for the Reinhard Bonnke
crusade that filled up the Cox Convention Center in OK City, August 20-21,
2016. I was privileged to serve as a councilor at that crusade and personally
prayed with several people who wanted to become Christians. In total, several
hundred people went down to the front during the altar call and got saved. The
contrast between Bonnke’s meeting and the atheist’s meeting was striking.
The atmosphere
at the hotel was like landing in a heathen nation for the first time. There was
a discernable spiritual oppression at the conference. I am reminded of 2 Corinthians
4:4, “The god of this
age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the
light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ…” We are in a cosmic
battle between good and evil and Satan is working overtime to deceive people.
Here are my thoughts after listening to
atheists all weekend (in no particular order):
The organizers
were impressed with the fact that 850 people attended the conference. But I
have attended a dozen church conferences in the past year that have more people
than that. In some ways, I think the church has little to worry about from such
a small, insignificant organization, but in other ways, I am very concerned
because their goal is nothing short of transforming our entire nation from one
with Christian foundations to a completely secular nation where the religious
would be forced to keep their beliefs confined to the inside of their homes.
All the atheists
I met at the conference were friendly. Most of the people I met seemed to be
“good” people. I have a lot of respect for atheists because of their dedication
to reason and evidence. But, as a Christian, I think they misinterpret the
evidence about God’s existence.

Atheists pride
themselves for being scientific, but they also celebrate Gavin Grimm, a girl
who thinks she is a boy. It is an absolute, irrefutable scientific fact that a
female with XX chromosomes cannot become a male with XY chromosomes, yet the
great scientific minds at this atheist conference see no problem with allowing
this girl with a beard to lie to herself and about herself.
The atheists
also celebrate homosexuality which is weird because if evolution is true as
atheists believe then the gene for homosexuality should disappear within a few
Atheists are mad about the recent school shootings, but their founder Madalyn
Murray O'Hair is the one responsible for taking prayer out of schools. When an
objective moral standard is removed from education and prayer to Almighty God
is forbidden in the classroom, then lawless behavior is the inevitable result.
Who is responsible for school shootings? I think the American Atheists are.
Things Atheists
Cheer About:
- De-conversion stories
- Abortion
- the LGBTQ community
- Insulting religious believers
- Stopping Climate Change
Things Atheists
- God
- Donald Trump
- Betsy Devos
- The Federalist Society
- Christians who teach their
children to believe Christianity
- Abstinence education
- Hobby Lobby
Most of the
atheist crowd sounded like liberal Democrats. Many of them were gob smacked by
Trump’s election and it seems they are still depressed over a year
I met lots of
internet atheists at the conference like AronRa (@Aron_Ra) who has 29 million view on his channel.
YouTube and Podcasts are the probably the two biggest tools atheists are using
right now to convert people to atheism. It would be wise for the church to
develop better videos so that they can compete effectively in this space.
Thoughts about the Speakers:

Anthony Magnabosco (@magnabosco) taught a class how to convert a Christian to atheism in 15 minutes. He calls his method Street Epistemology (@StEpistemology) which is a conversational tool that helps people reflect on the reliability of the methods used to arrive at their deeply held beliefs. He recommends that instead of arguing and mocking Christians (what Richard Dawkins recommends) the atheist should engage in conversations with people. I found this interesting because in my witnessing classes, I tell believers they should engage in conversations with people instead of yelling at them through a bullhorn. Magnabosco recommends getting past “what” someone believes, and “why” they believe it, to the “how” do they know it. He advocates for asking epistemological questions about “How do you know what you know?” He uses the Socratic method to get to how people believe what they believe. He showed several videos that demonstrated the effectiveness of this solution. He says, “Don’t give any evidence. Instead ask people what evidence they would accept to change their belief.” He keeps asking questions until he gets the person to honestly answer the question, “Is faith your epistemology or is reason and evidence your epistemology?” If their belief system is based on faith, he might go on to ask, “Is faith a reliable way of proving something is true if anyone can use it to prove anything? If anyone can use faith to prove anything is true, why would anyone want to use that method?” For Christians interested in exploring Christian epistemology, I would recommend reading Cornelius Van Til who wrote extensively on the subject.
The keynote
speaker for the atheist convention was Hugh Laurie (@hughlaurie), who plays the part of Dr. Gregory House
on the TV show, House. They explained that inviting a celebrity to be their
keynote speaker is a deliberate strategy to showcase celebrities in order to
enhance the attractiveness of their movement. That’s a perfect plan for the
atheist religion because celebrity endorsements are a great way to attract
people, just ask the Scientologists. Hugh Laurie said, “I boil with rage when I
see an NFL player thanking God for when his team wins.” He calls Christians,
“God botherers.”
Jim Helton’s (@TSFJim) thirteen-year-old daughter gave a
speech. She screamed through most of it. She is mad because Christians try to
take away her right to get an abortion. The atheists at the conference believe
that teaching children about hell is child abuse. But I think that teaching
your daughter that it is OK to murder your granddaughter who is still in the
womb is the worst kind of evil there is.

Silverman gave a
speech about his vision for atheists in America. He started by asserting that
atheists are second-class citizens in America because they have fewer rights
than believers and because there are few atheist politicians. Officially,
American Atheists is a not-for-profit organization thus it is prohibited from
endorsing or opposing any political candidate. But, Silverman blatantly ignored
this rule when he shouted, “American Atheists is a 501c3 organization and we
are not supposed to politic, but F**K Donald Trump.”
His goal is to
turn the American Atheists into “a caring community that is pro-heart,
pro-brain, and anti-a**hole.” In fact, his favorite word to refer to believers
is the word “a**hole.” He says that “religion really is not anything more than
personal opinion.”
declared, “Religion is a lie, a con, a scam. Believers may not like hearing it,
but it is true. When we tell people they are wrong about religion, it is a good
thing. We care and we show it by attacking religious a**holes. All religions are wrong. All gods are false. Astrology is bullshit. And for Christ’s sake,
there is no such thing as ghosts. People who believe these things are victims
of lies. It is clearly a good and ethical thing to help free these people from
that which is clearly wrong. Religion deserves to die. A**holes have bad intentions and I don’t care
about them.”
finished his speech by telling everyone, “Enjoy the rest of this God-dammed
convention.” To that, I say, “Yes, he’s right, it is a God-dammed convention.”
Today is April Fool's Day, AKA National Atheist's Day so I recorded a video about six reasons why I believe God exists. Let me know what you think about it in the comments below.
American Atheists,
David Silverman
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