Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas in Mexico Video

How Can You Help?
There are three things you can do to help us with this Mexico outreach.

1. Send Christmas Gifts 
Can you send us a big box filled with stuffed animals, balls (soccer balls, tennis balls, basketballs, and volleyballs), and toys? Ask your church if you can put out a box in the church foyer to collect toys to send to Mexico.

Send the box via UPS to:
King Ministries Christmas Outreach
960 N Americas Ave
El Paso, TX 79907

 2. Join the Team 
We still have room for six more team members. Can you do a drama, dance, sing, smile, or give away Christmas gifts? We need your help! If you can come, let me know.
Dates: December 27-28, 2012
Cost: $300 (plus your transportation to El Paso, Texas)

3. Give a Financial Gift
As always, your giving is what allows us to reach out to the lost. Please, click HERE to give a generous financial gift. Thank you! Your giving this month will allow us to bring Christmas to a poor child in Mexico.

Christmas in Mexico

The mother, her 6-year-old son, and her 10-year-old daughter grabbed my attention. They lived in a tiny shack made of wooden pallets and cardboard boxes. They were cold and hungry on the day before Christmas. Right away, I handed the mother two sacks, one full of beans and another full of rice. We gave each member of the family a coat. I found a brown teddy bear with a red ribbon around his neck and handed it to the girl and then I gave a brand-new soccer ball to the boy. These toys were the only gifts they would receive that Christmas. Before they went home, I gave each of them a bag filled with peanuts, candy, an orange and an apple.

You Can Make a Difference
For over twenty years, my family has been ministering in Juarez, Mexico. Today, the need in Juarez is greater than ever before. Because of drug gangs, violence has hit an all time high in the city. CBS News recently reported that “Juarez has become the murder capital of the world.” The need is great. So, we decided to return to Juarez, Mexico for a big Christmas outreach. We are calling it: “Fiesta de la Navidad” (Christmas Celebration).

How Can You Help?
There are three things you can do to help us with this Mexico outreach.

1. Send Christmas Gifts 
Can you send us a big box filled with stuffed animals, balls (soccer balls, tennis balls, basketballs, and volleyballs), and toys? Ask your church if you can put out a box in the church foyer to collect toys to send to Mexico.

Send the box via UPS to:
King Ministries Christmas Outreach
960 N Americas Ave
El Paso, TX 79907

 2. Join the Team 
We still have room for six more team members. Can you do a drama, dance, sing, smile, or give away Christmas gifts? We need your help! If you can come, let me know.
Dates: December 27-28, 2012
Cost: $300 (plus your transportation to El Paso, Texas)

3. Give a Financial Gift
As always, your giving is what allows us to reach out to the lost. Please, click HERE to give a generous financial gift. Thank you! Your giving this month will allow us to bring Christmas to a poor child in Mexico.

Your missionaries,

Daniel & Jessica King

P.S. Please, help us give the children of Juarez, Mexico a happy Christmas. Can you send us toys to give away? Can you come help us minister? Can you send a generous financial gift to help us give Christmas to the children of Mexico?  Thank you!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Preaching in India

Thousands of people in this village area in India listened as I explained the Gospel in simple, easy-to-understand language. God performed many miracles! 

We gave away 8,000 copies of the Gospel of John to new believers. On the final night we ran out of books because we were overwhelmed with so many people getting saved.

I really appreciate my mother and father who came to help me minister. Their love and example is the reason I am an evangelist.

The #1 question I am asked is, "What do you eat when you are on the mission field?" Let's just say we ate a lot of chicken on this trip.

We also visited 7 small village churches. Here are some of the people we had the privilege of ministering to.

I love this picture of one of the village girls. 

I am so thankful for all our friends and partners who make it possible for us to go preach the Gospel! Look at the picture below. This harvest of souls is YOUR harvest. Thank you for your love and support. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Trials and Tribulations of an Evangelist

Paul the Apostle suffered from shipwrecks, being stoned, and beatings. My challenges are less severe.

It has been raining here in India and our festival grounds is like a swamp. Thousands of bugs and insects fill the air.

On the first night, I stood up to greet the people. When I opened my mouth, a bug flew in. I could feel it buzzing around at the back of my throat. Instead of saying, "I am so happy to be here in India!" I was coughing and hacking.

Below are the bugs flying around one of our light towers.

The entire time I was preaching, bugs flew into my mouth, my ears, and my nose. After the service we were supposed to eat dinner, but I told the pastors, "I'm not hungry because I already ate my fill of bugs." 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Harvest in Honduras

This past week, we trained over 1,000 pastors and saw many salvations and miracles.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Can You Help Train a Pastor?

If you want to give a gift to help train pastors in Honduras, please click here

Friday, September 28, 2012

A Prayer for America

Today is 40 Days before the elections here in America. I woke up this morning with a strong urge to pray for this nation. Here is my prayer:

Dear God in Heaven,

We humbly come before you and ask for your grace and mercy upon our nation. We thank you for your goodness, your love, your faithfulness, your everlasting kindness. We ask that your will would be done in our nation, just as it is done in heaven.

We repent of the sins of discrimination, racism, hatred, and pride. Please forgive us as we forgive those who have hurt us.

We ask for another Great Awakening in our nation. We ask for revival across this country, a revival of Godly principles and a revival of passion for God. We lift up all the people in this world who are not serving you. We pray that millions will turn their hearts towards you. We thank you for making us a shining light in the midst of darkness.

We pray for our churches. We pray for our pastors and ministers. We ask that you would give our spiritual leaders the boldness to preach the truth and the compassion to help the hurting.

We pray for our families. We ask for your blessing upon our sons and daughters, our fathers and mothers, our sisters and our brothers. Thank you for blessing our marriages and our precious children. We pray for unborn babies. Please help mothers make the right choice, a choice for life.

We pray for our government. We ask for your wisdom to fill each of our elected officials. We pray for the members of Congress, for our President, and for the Supreme Court. In this upcoming election, we ask for godly men and women to be elected who will uphold Biblical principles of both justice and righteousness.

We pray for our businesses. O Lord, you have not forgotten us. We thank you Father that even in the midst of a difficult economy you are our Provider. You are the source of every miracle. Thank you for your hand of blessing upon our nation. Thank you for the air we breath, the water we drink, and the bread we eat.

We pray for the media. Thank you for wisdom and understanding concerning the times we live in.

We pray for those who are involved in education. I ask that every teacher and professor would teach godly principles.

We pray for the arts and entertainment. We thank you that faith, hope, and love will triumph over lust, violence, and greed.

Thank you for peace; peace in our nation, peace with all other nations, and we ask for the peace of Jerusalem.

Thank you for your blessing upon this entire nation, from the East Coast to the West Coast, from Canada to Mexico, from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico, from Wall Street to Main Street, from the White House to the Court House to the Church House, for the rich and the poor, for the affluent and the beggar, for the middle class and the school class, from the 99% to the 1% to the 47%, we ask that everyone in this nation would live 100% for You.

I pray according to Mark 11:24 “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” 

We ask all this in the mighty and matchless name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen. 

What are your prayer requests? Please let me know by clicking here: Prayer Requests

Friday, September 7, 2012

Thank God for Independence

On September 29, 2012 America for Jesus is hosting a national solemn prayer assembly on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Christian leaders from across the nation will gather together to pray for the United States of America forty days before our national elections. I plan to be there, and I ask you to pray with us too.
This time of prayer will take place in the shadow of Independence Hall, the building where delegates from the original thirteen British colonies signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. In this building, fifty-six brave men (including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams) mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to uphold the ideals of liberty. They risked their lives to bring our country freedom from tyranny. In the Declaration of Independence they proclaimed, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Across the street from Independence Hall is a small building where the Liberty Bell is displayed for tourists. It is aptly called the Liberty Bell because when the Declaration of Independence was signed, the bell was rung in celebration. When the bell was forged, it was tradition to inscribe a verse from the Bible on every bell. It was as if the foundry prophetically knew that this bell would ring for freedom because the verse the foundry chose to engrave around the edge of this bell when they cast it was “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land to all the inhabitants thereof.
The quote on the Liberty Bell is straight from Leviticus 25:10, a verse that proclaims the freedom that comes during the year of Jubilee. Once every fifty years in ancient Israel, during the year of Jubilee, every slave was set free and every person in the nation had his or her debts canceled. The year of Jubilee was a time of independence.
Another famous day of liberty in our nation occurred when Abraham Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation on January 1, 1863. With a single stroke of his pen, he freed thousands of slaves. The captive were suddenly set free. The chains fell and African-Americans were able to take their rightful place in society as free men.
Yet both of these significant events in American history pale in comparison with a day two thousand years ago. On that day, Jesus made it possible for every person on earth to be free. Independence was the main reason Jesus came to earth. At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus said, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me…to preach deliverance to the captives…to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Luke 4:18-19). When is the acceptable year of the Lords favor? The year of Jubilee, of course.
Jesus purpose for coming to earth was to bring liberty and independence! When Adam sinned, he caused the entire human race to be put in bondage. Sin became the chains that kept mankind from fellowship with God. But, when Jesus died on the cross, He provided a way for every person to be freed from the bondage of sin. The Gospel is a worldwide emancipation proclamation of liberty from bondage to the power of sin.  Thomas Jefferson once said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots…” Our spiritual tree of liberty was watered once and for all with the blood of Christ. As we gather together in prayer for our nation, let us celebrate our independence that comes through Jesus Christ.
In America we live in a land of great freedom. In America we are free to gather together to pray. In America we are free to serve God. But, if we do not exercise our freedoms, we are no better off then those who have no freedom. On September 29, 2012 Christian leaders will gather together in Philadelphia, the epicenter of American freedom, to take advantage of our freedom of religion. We will humbly thank God for our freedom and ask Him to continue to bless our nation. Will you join us in prayer?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What I learned from the Sequoia Tree

Today I visited Sequoia National Park in eastern California. There one can see the largest living tree (by volume) on earth. Here are some of the lessons I learned. 

1. It does not matter where you start all that matters is where you finish.
            The oldest of the Sequoia trees is 3,200 years old. The tallest grows to 311 feet. They weigh up to 2.7 million lbs. Their bark grows up to 31 inches thick. The branches at eight feet in diameter are bigger than the trunks of most trees. The base can grow up to forty feet in diameter, that means more than twenty people would need to join hands in order to encircle the tree. The cone is about the size of a chicken’s egg and this massive tree grows from a seed the size of an oat flake.
            You might come from a small beginning, but you have the potential to be the best in the world at what God has called you to do. You can tower above all the other trees in the forest if you simply refuse to give up. The definition of the word “excellence” is “to surpass, to be the best, to be a champion, to exceed, to be exceptional, to be unsurpassed, to be top notch, to tower above all the rest.” You can achieve excellence if you just stick with your assignment long enough.
2. Going through the fire can prepare you for a fresh start.
            After the Sequoia groves were declared a National Park, the Forest Rangers worked diligently to protect the big trees by trying to banish fire. Every 5-10 years lightning started a fire and the forest service always rushed to put out the fires.
            But after a few decades, the Rangers began to see unwanted consequences of the fire suppression. The trees stopped reproducing. It turns out that fire is an important part of the lifecycle of the Sequoia tree. Each year each tree produces up to 2,000 egg-sized cones that contain up to 400,000 seeds. The seeds are released only when the cones open. The cones hang green and closed on the trees for up to twenty years. A few seeds may be scattered by squirrels, but the heat from a fire is needed to make the cones dry out, open up, and drop seeds. Plus, the fire clears out the underbrush from around the mama tree and leaves ashes to act as fertilizer.
            Many people have a lot of dead wood clogging up their lives. This old, dead growth prevents them from planting new ideas or experiencing new growth. Sometimes, God brings us through a period of fire in order to prepare us for new growth. Our greatest victories often follow a time of supernatural pruning. The ashes left over from our past are used by God to fertilize our future growth.

3. Deep roots are necessary for survival.
            The wood and bark of a Sequoia tree naturally grows a special chemical that makes the trees resistant to insects and fungi. This makes them almost immortal. As long as they are standing, they never stop growing. But, they do have one weakness in their roots. These mighty trees actually have a very shallow root system with no taproot. Ninety percent of the Sequoia roots are within three feet of the surface of the earth. Their roots extend broadly but they do not grow deeply. Soil moisture, root damage, erosion, and strong winds can cause these giants to topple over.
            Many people look they are impervious to the devil’s attack on the outside, but in reality they are vulnerable because their roots do not extend deeply into the ground. To maintain a great height, one’s roots must extend equally far underground. 

4. Slow and steady wins the race.
            A young Sequoia tree does not even look like a tree, instead it looks more like a bush. It grows on the ground as a bush for 8-10 years before it starts shooting up. Fifty years later, it is a tall slender tree. Every year the tree continues to grow taller and broader and it is only after 2,000 years that the tree has a right to be called “the biggest tree in the world.”
            I’m sure you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. The rabbit starts the race much quicker than the turtle, but after a while the rabbit gets distracted. The little turtle keeps inching toward the finish line, slow and steady. By the time the hare tries to catch up, it is too late. The slow tortoise beats the rapid rabbit by simply putting one foot in front of the next, over and over again.
            The white pine tree can grow to full height in twenty years, but then it dies just as quickly. You are in a marathon, not a sprint. It is better to be a long-term success than it is to be a flash in the pan that fizzles out in a few short days or years.

5. Success is only possible in the right environment.
            The west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains between an elevation of 5,000 and 7,000 feet is the only place in the world where the Sequoia trees grow. In order to flourish, they need the right amount of sun, water, and the perfect weather. No other place on earth has been found where this magnificent tree can naturally grow to such an enormous height.
            What environment keeps you focused? What environment allows you to be the most productive? What environment is best for your happiness and success?  You need to find the environment that is right for you to grow. Some environments will stunt your growth, other environments will kill you, only one environment is right for turning you into everything you are called by God to be.
6. Beware small-minded people who seek to destroy your greatness. 
            The biggest Sequoia tree was over 90 feet in diameter. In 1852, George Gale discovered the tree and cut off the bark in order to show people in the eastern United States the size of the tree. Without the bark, the tree eventually died. George’s greedy desire to make a few dollars off the world’s largest tree killed the 2,500-year-old tree.
            Watch out for those who try to steal in a moment what took you years of effort and toil to create. There are a lot of people out there that do not care for you. All they care about is what they can quickly take from you. Stay away from them, lest your greatness be compromised.

7. Never underestimate the power of a seed.
            The Sequoia tree grows from a seed the size of an oat flake. Contained in that tiny seed is the DNA for the biggest tree in the world, but you would never know by looking at it. Impressive endings often come from small beginnings.
            God wants us to sow seeds everyday. Your small seed has the potential to give you a mighty harvest. The seed you sow determines the harvest you grow. I encourage you to sow a seed into our ministry today. Even if you do not have much, your small seed can bring you the greatest harvest of your lifetime. Sow today! Click HERE to sow a seed into world evangelism. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Do you want to go on a mission trip?

Do You Want to Go on a Mission Trip!

I want to invite you to be part of an amazing mission trip to the nation of Honduras. We need you to be a part! We are going to the city of Yoro, Honduras and our goal is to have an impact on every level of society in the city.

What will be happening?
During this trip we will be doing a businessmen’s conference, a woman’s conference, a children’s Fiesta, a youth concert, and a pastor’s conference. We will be visiting schools, orphanages, and doing open air outreaches. In addition, we will sponsor a medical outreach in order to help the poorest of the poor. The trip will finish with a three day Miracle Festival.

Who should come?

Medical Professionals

Young People


Pastors and Ministers

When: October 14-21, 2012

Cost: $2,400 This covers your airfare, food, lodging, and transportation for the entire week.

How can you sign up for the trip?

1. Reply to this e-mail. If you want to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime mission opportunity, let me know immediately by sending me an e-mail: daniel [@] 

2. We have a limited number of spots available for this trip. To reserve your spot, click here and make a $100 nonrefundable deposit into the mission trip fund. This will let us know that we need to save a place for you.


Daniel King

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Do you understand the Trinity?

I have been studying the Trinity for my class on Systematic Theology. Here is a poem I wrote about the Trinity.

By Daniel King

It doesn’t make sense,
The Trinity,
For all of time,
A mystery.

Three in One,
One in Three,
That is the way
that it has to be.

In the Old Testament,
God is One.
But in the New Testament,
Born is a Son.

One from the Beginning,
They developed a plan
Jesus is God,
He’s also a Man.

So, there’s a Father
And a Son,
Don’t stop yet,
Because we’re not done.

The Spirit was promised,
On Pentecost He came,
Now there’s three,
But they’re all the same.

The Father,
The Word,
The Bird,
It’s a little absurd.

Three beings,
One whole.
Try to explain it, lose your mind;
Try to deny it, lose your soul.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One in a Million

Our team was in the central plaza of the city of Crato passing out flyers and inviting people to come to the crusade. A woman sitting on a bench caught my attention. I walked over to her and handed her a flyer. She asked me to sit down and then she reached into her purse. She pulled out a picture of her daughter. She said, “My daughter is not able to walk or talk, can you pray for her?”

I laid my hands on the picture of the little girl and prayed, “Dear God in Heaven, I ask you to touch this woman’s daughter with Your healing power. In Jesus Name, Amen.” As I prayed, the woman started to cry. I asked her if she wanted to give her life to Jesus. She replied, “Yes.” So, I led her in a salvation prayer.

One hour later, the woman came running to find our team. She breathlessly reported, “After Daniel prayed, I called my home and spoke with the babysitter. At the very moment that Daniel prayed for my daughter, she stood up, walked across the room for the first time, and said “Mama.”

We are headed to Brazil!

Upcoming Brazil Gospel Festival
Our quest for souls continues in the nation of Brazil. The last time we were in Brazil over 40,000 people attended our Gospel Festival in Belo Horizonte. We expect another great harvest on this upcoming trip.

The eyes of the world are on Brazil!  This South American nation has been chosen to host
the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. Brazil is experiencing rapid economic
growth. The Church in Brazil is in the middle of a time of revival but there are still
millions of Brazilians who have yet to hear the Gospel.

Our Gospel Festival is in the city of Crato, the second largest city of the Cariri region. Cariri is a region in the southern part of the state of Ceara in the northeast part of Brazil. According to missions experts, it is one of the least evangelized regions in the country of Brazil. It is home to approximately 1 million people distributed in 22 towns and thousands of villages. Statistics about the number of born again Christians in the region vary, but the consensus is that less than 3% of the inhabitants of Cariri know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

The region has been oppressed by false religion. Over 2,000,000 people visit this area of Brazil each year to worship the statue of a man known as Father Cicerus. He was originally a Catholic priest who was excommunicated in 1889. Many people in the region worship him as a saint instead of worshiping Jesus Christ.

Radio Multiplies Our Efforts
God has given us a plan to reach 22 towns in the region simultaneously through a radio broadcast. Thousands will attend the meetings in Crato, but we expect to double or triple the size of our harvest by airing the entire meeting LIVE on the radio to the entire region.

Right now, a team is visiting the 22 towns surrounding Crato and working closely with local churches to train “radio evangelists.” Each of these local Christians will create an “Evangelistic Meeting Place” at a local home, school, office, farm, or village during the Gospel Festival. Each trained believer will set up a mini-event in which people will gather around the radio to hear the broadcast. Christians will be challenged to invite their non-Christian friends to come hear the Good News.

As the people pray with us for salvation in Crato, the prayer will be repeated in hundreds of other places as people listen by radio. Local Christians will be right there to follow up by getting the new believers plugged into a local church. Our goal is to impact the entire region with the Gospel.

We need your prayers!
While we are preaching the Gospel, we covet your prayers. There is no distance in prayer and we need you to support us with your prayers.

Please Pray for:
            * Thousands of people to be saved.
            * Religious blinders to fall off the eyes of the deceived.
            * Good weather each night of the Gospel Festival.
            * The protection of our team members.
            * The whole region to tune into the radio broadcast.
            * Our follow-up plan to be successful.
            * The entire budget to be met.

Thank you so much for helping us impact Brazil with the Gospel. Because of your help, we are able to lead the lost to Christ. I believe your heavenly reward will be great. Thank you!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Where is the urgency?

Once three demons were arguing about how to prevent people from being saved.

The first demon said, "We will remove the promise of reward by telling people there is no heaven."

The second demon had another idea, "We will remove the threat of punishment by deceiving people into believing there is no hell."

The third demon retorted, "Neither of your ideas will work. Instead of attacking the idea of heaven and hell we will simply remove their sense of urgency by telling everyone that they don't need to get saved now, they can always do it tomorrow."

Which of these three demonic ideas work best in today's society? What do you think? 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Daniel!

My Husband turns 33 years old on February 4, 2012. Can you help us celebrate?

To Give Daniel a Birthday Gift: CLICK HERE

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Discover "The Power of Prayer" Get your book today!

Do you pray on a daily basis?

In this book, Daniel King reveals the secrets of powerful prayer.

Learning Daniel’s thirty-one different ways to pray will help spice up your prayer life and make your time with God more meaningful. As you explore this easy-to-read book, expect your prayers to be answered and your spiritual life to deepen. Even in the midst of your busy schedule, you can use these truths to tap into a new level of blessing for your life.

This book will show you how to

* Revitalize your prayer life

* Reconnect with God Almighty

* Rediscover your passion for prayer

* Renew your first love

Discover a New Way tTo Pray Every Day

To Order Your Copy Today: Click Here

To Order an E-Copy of the Book for your I-Pad, or I-Phone: Click Here

Monday, January 23, 2012

Thousands Saved in Guder, Ethiopia!

Watch the video to see what God did in Guder, Ethiopia.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

8 Truths About Character

1. Character is celebrated and rewarded. “And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character” (Ruth 3:11 NIV)

2. Character is more important than beauty, intelligence, or ability.
“A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones” (Proverbs 12:4 NIV).

3. Character is rare and valuable. “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies” (Proverbs 31:10 NIV).

4. Character is imparted to those who study Scripture and apply the truths they discover. “Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11 NIV).

5. Character is built during times of trouble. “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4 NKJV).

6. Character is built over time, not created overnight. The preparations of today determine your qualifications for tomorrow. “But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel” (Philippians 2:22 NKJV).

7. Character is shaped by those you spend time with. “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33).

8. Character is formed by your decisions. “For we are each responsible for our own conduct” (Galatians 6:5). You cannot fail without your consent and you cannot succeed without your participation.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Importance of Character

Character is who you are on the inside. Character is what you do when no one is watching. The things you do on a daily basis will continue to be the things that you do in the midst of a crisis or an opportunity. Character is the moral compass that charts the course to your destiny.

Your gift can take you to the top, but only your character can keep you there. Gifting builds, character maintains. Talent and ability can bring success, but character will make you successful.

Character begins in your heart. Never get beaten on the inside, because it will only be a matter of time before you will be beaten on the outside. “Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23).

Preachers fall when their gifting supersedes their character. Over the years there have been many ministers who have been found lacking in the area of character. Many ministers are talented and charismatic but they ended up hurting many people and the kingdom of God because of a lack of character.

Preaching a powerful sermon matters little when your lifestyle does not match your advice. Actions speak louder than words. What you do speaks so loud I cannot even hear what you are saying.

Don’t bring shame to His Name. A reputation takes a lifetime to build and it can be destroyed in an instant. Character is the only thing that stands between you and public failure. Never do anything behind closed doors that you would not want your mother watching on the nightly news.