Thursday, December 29, 2011

Last Chance to Give in 2011

We have been praying for you and we appreciate you so much. Thank you for helping us go to the nations with the Gospel! Here at the end of the year, I am sending you this letter to you to remind you of an important opportunity…

Last Chance to Give in 2011

Would you rather give your money to God or to ? Did you know there are often significant tax advantages when giving to a non-profit organization like King Ministries?

Would you seriously consider sowing a generous End-of-the-Year Seed for missions? Often WHEN you sow is as important as WHAT you sow. By giving RIGHT NOW you will accomplish three things:

1. You will help us finish strong in 2011. Due to our recent Gospel Festivals in India and Mexico, we have had significant expenses above and beyond the norm. We need about $10,000 extra right now so we can be ready to reach more people with the Gospel in 2012.

2. You will schedule a season of supernatural blessing in your life as you move into the New Year. Remember, what you make happen for others, God makes happen for you.

3. You save on your tax return for 2011. We will send you an official United States IRS tax-deductible receipt for any donations given before the end of the year.

Your generous gift RIGHT NOW will make it possible for us to lead thousands more to Jesus in the year to come and it will allow you to receive an extra tax deduction.

Please be sure to postmark your seed by December 31. You can mail your gift to:

PO Box 701113 Tulsa, OK 74133

To give online, click HERE

To give in Canada, click HERE

Your Missionaries,

Daniel & Jessica King

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas in Juarez, Mexico

Juarez, Mexico has been called "the murder capital of the world." Watch this video to see how we brought hope to the children of Juarez.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Building a Church in India

Daniel King recently built a church in a remote village in India.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pictures from India

Here are some world-class pictures my brother David took on our trip to India.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

McVeggie Burger anyone?

So, I was in India for Thanksgiving. My brother and I heard there might be a Subway sandwich shop somewhere in Delhi and we figured their 6" turkey sub would be our best bet at getting turkey for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, our cab driver was not able to find a Subway so we decided to go for McDonalds instead. After two weeks of curry, nothing sounded better than a Big Mac. Imagine our surprise to discover that McDonald's most famous sandwich is not served in India, in fact, there is NO BEEF to be found at India's McDonalds. McVeggie Burger anyone?

Notice the top photo that says "No Photography allowed." Employees kept trying to prevent me from taking these pictures. Apparently India McDonald's is trying to keep news of the McVeggie burger from getting out to the rest of the world.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Church Built for New Believers

Seven years ago, missionary evangelist Marcus Bloom held his first Gospel Festival in Jharkhand in the village of Manoharpur. At that time, many people in the village gave their lives to Jesus. A church was started in the home of one of the new believers. Over time, more people from the village became Christian and the church outgrew the home. They began to meet under a tree. During the rainy season, they would meet in a mud hut but the roof of the hut was filled with holes and people still got wet.

When I heard that the village has over two hundred believers and no church building, I decided to help them build a church. We purchased a piece of land, bricks, and material for the roof. The local believers helped build the church with their own hands.

In the village, we held a mini-crusade and then dedicated the church. Several dozen villagers gave their lives to Jesus. We commissioned Pastor Haren Kandulna to pastor the church. The local believers are so excited to have a beautiful church building with a roof over their heads. One local believer said, “Now that we have a church building, I think the entire village will become Christian.”

Pastor Sunny told me, “For over five years, I have been praying for a church building in this village.” Then he choked up and started to cry because he was so happy his prayers had been answered.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Fun of Traveling

You don't see this every day.

My mother and my brother David got to join me for this trip to India! It was great to have them along!

We tried to figure out how to play the favorite local game of Cricket. Today we played against a group of local pastors. They beat us 38 to 37 balls. We only had one wicket remaining to win.

This is the closest I have ever been to a tiger. I think he could have easily jumped out of his cage if he had wanted to. Luckily, I heard that Indian tigers, like most of India, are vegetarian.

Hindu Family Comes to Christ

She is One in a Million

Kanti Devi is a Hindu woman who lives 1.5 kilometers away from our Gospel Festival site. She was given a flyer that announced that Jesus would perform miracles and she decided to come to the Gospel Festival. When she heard the preaching and saw the miracles, she knew the rest of her family needed to hear the same message.

She called her daughter, Seema Devi, who lives 130 kilometers away and invited her to come. The daughter got on the bus and traveled for four hours. Together the mother, her husband, and her daughter all attended the next night. They sat in chairs at the very back of the crowd. They enjoyed the music from the local worship team.

They listened intently to a story about Jesus. In response to the altar call, the whole family came forward to pray to Jesus. We gave each of them a copy of the Gospel of John. We prayed for them and introduced them to a local pastor whose church is within walking distance of their home.

Pastor’s Conference Changes Jharkhand

Five hundred pastors representing 22 out of 24 districts in the Indian state of Jharkhand came to our pastor’s conference. Also represented were pastors from the Indian states of Orissa, Bihar, Assam, Sikkim, Chhatisgar, West Bengal, and from the nation of Nepal and the border of Bhutan. The pastors came from a broad spectrum of denominations including Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, Pentecostal, Assembly of God, and the Pentecostal Holiness Church.

Some pastors traveled for several days from remote villages to attend. They arrived by auto-rickshaw, bus, walking, and by motorcycle. Before they gave their lives to Jesus, many of the pastors were from Hindu, Muslim, and Tribal religion backgrounds.

Because of the poverty in India, we helped pay for the pastor’s transportation and we provided lodging and food during the five day conference. Pastor A.J. Barjo from Ranchi said, “The conference was historical for our city. It was very well organized. Every pastor enjoyed this conference and appreciated the spiritual food and the physical food that we were fed. All the pastors are now motivated to go reach the lost.”

A member of the State Parliament and a Cabinet Minister welcomed the pastors to Ranchi. A Hindu newspaper reported on the conference with a favorable review.

On the first night of the conference, our team felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to give an altar call. Even though only pastors were supposed to be in attendance, we obeyed and a Hindu man who was visiting responded by giving his life to Jesus.

The focus of the conference was on soul winning. We challenged the pastors to go to the unreached villages of Jharkhand to plant churches.

The pastors were extremely attentive and took notes on each message. Daniel’s mother Susan challenged the pastors to pray diligently. Daniel’s brother David spoke about “God’s Purpose for Your Life.” Daniel spoke on “3 Reasons to be a Soul Winner”, “How to Lead People to Jesus,” and “The Fire of God.” Our co-evangelist Marcus Bloom spoke on “7 Gospel Truths” and “7 Secrets of a Successful Ministry.” He gave a copy of his new book “The Final Lap” to every pastor.

On the final day, we laid hands on each pastor and sent them out to fulfill the Great Commission. Many pastors were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues for the first time. They returned home happy and motivated to do big things for God!

Ranchi, India Impacted by the Gospel

Thousands of people attended each night of our Gospel Festival in Ranchi, India.

Excitement was high in the city when we arrived. Colorful posters promising salvation and miracles covered the walls of the city. Massive billboards and banners combined with radio and television ads created excitement about the event.
A clear salvation message was preached each evening. One night, Daniel preached on “The Paralyzed Man”, another night he preached on “The Four Greatest Miracles in the Bible.” Daniel’s co-evangelist from Sweden, Marcus Bloom, preached on “The Cross of Jesus,” “The Adulterous Woman,” and “The Rich Man and Lazarus.”

When the altar call was given, thousands of people streamed forward to the front to receive Jesus. As they entered the altar call area, a counselor greeted each person by handing him or her a copy of the Gospel of John and a decision card. Around 10,000 decision cards were filled out by the end of the five-day festival.The Gospel Festival also aired each day on three major television stations in Ranchi and Delhi that reach most of northern India. Our half-hour program was aired three times each day to hundreds of thousands of viewers. In response to the television program, over 700 people called asking for prayer.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Christmas in Mexico

The mother, her 6-year-old son, and her 10-year-old daughter grabbed my attention. They lived in a tiny shack made of wooden pallets and cardboard boxes. They were cold and hungry on the day before Christmas.

Right away, I handed the mother two sacks, one full of beans and another full of rice. We gave each member of the family a coat. I found a brown teddy bear with a red ribbon around his neck and handed it to the girl and then I gave a brand-new soccer ball to the boy. These toys were the only gifts they would receive that Christmas.

Before they went home, I gave each of them a bag filled with peanuts, candy, an orange and an apple.

I was only twelve years old at that time, but even as a child, I knew I was making a real difference in the life of that Mexican family.

You Can Make a Difference

For over twenty years, my family has been ministering in Juarez, Mexico. Every Christmas, we made it a family tradition to bring Christmas to the children of Mexico. Every year, I felt privileged to make a difference in the life of Mexican children.

Today, the need in Juarez is greater than ever before. Because of drug gangs, violence has hit an all time high in the city. CBS News recently reported that “Juarez has become the murder capital of the world.”

The need is great. So, I decided to return to Juarez, Mexico for our next big outreach. We are calling it: “Fiesta de la Navidad” (Christmas Celebration).

* This Christmas, we will take a message of hope to Ciudad Juarez.

* This Christmas, we will give away Christmas gifts to the poorest of the poor in Juarez.

* This Christmas, we need your help to do this outreach.

How Can You Help?

There are three things you can do to help us with this Mexico outreach.

1. Send Christmas Gifts

Can you send us a big box filled with stuffed animals, balls (soccer balls, tennis balls, basketballs, and volleyballs), and toys? Ask your church if you can put out a box in the church foyer to collect toys to send to Mexico.

Send the box via UPS to:

King Ministries Christmas Outreach

960 N Americas Ave

El Paso, TX 79907

Note: We need to receive your Christmas gifts before December 1st so that we have time to get them across the border into Mexico. The more you send, the more children we will be able to reach.

2. Join the Team

We need a team of 30 people to do this outreach. Can you do a drama, dance, sing, smile, or give away Christmas gifts? We need your help! We will be doing a big Christmas festival, visiting an orphanage, and helping local churches.

Dates: December 22-23, 2011

Cost: $250 (plus your transportation to El Paso, Texas)

Note: Each night we will be staying in a hotel on the American side of the border.

3. Send a Financial Gift

As always, your giving is what allows us to reach out to the lost. Please, tear off the coupon on the bottom of this page and send it back to us in the enclosed envelope along with your generous financial gift. Thank you! Your giving this month will allow us to bring Christmas to a poor child in Mexico. CLICK HERE TO GIVE NOW

Your missionaries,

Daniel & Jessica King

P.S. Please, help us give the children of Juarez, Mexico a happy Christmas. Can you send us toys to give away? Can you come help us minister? Can you send a generous financial gift to help us give Christmas to the children of Mexico? Thank you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Did you get a NAIL in the MAIL?

King Ministries has embarked on a national direct mail-based campaign to engage more Americans in our evangelism efforts, including support for our ministry to peoples in India and other non-Christian nations. If you received one of these appeals, I ask your prayerful consideration of this request.

Why direct mail? This is the first question we are often asked. The answer is simple. No other media channel affords us the opportunity to reach a broad audience at such a low cost. Outside of Oklahoma and a few other communities were I’ve been able to tell people about my work, King Ministries isn’t well known. However, as more concerned Christians learn of this volunteer-based effort to help spread the Gospel, they want to get involved.

If you would prefer to use a credit card and make a secure donation online, CLICK HERE. Your gift will be put to work immediately.

As our appeal explains, in the next few years I pray we will be able to engage thousands of American Christians in our mission to reach one million non-believers each year in the developing world.

If you received more than one copy of our appeal, we apologize for the inconvenience and ask that you pass along the extra one to a friend. If you would prefer not to receive additional appeals from us, please email us at

Of course, we’d welcome the chance to partner with you in this important cause and ask that if you would sign up for our email list, we will keep you informed of our work and let you know how you can get more involved in this important cause.

Already we’ve impacted millions of lives in Asia, Africa, South America and elsewhere. Families are stronger for our work.

If you would like to volunteer in some way, or invite me to your church, call or email me today.

Thank you and may God bless you!

Daniel King

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Church Dedication in Nepal

Here are some pictures from the church we built in the Nepal. On August 18, they did a dedication ceremony for the new building! Many of these precious people gave their lives to Jesus during our Gospel Festival. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible.

Click HERE to read a news report about us building the church.

Our next church will be built in the nation of India. If you want to help with the cost of reaching the people of India, please click HERE.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Masindi, Uganda Video

Do you know what a Boda Boda is? I ride one on this video...

Monday, July 11, 2011

My First Night in Uganda

On my first day in Uganda I attended Pastor Robert Kayanja's crusade in Hoima. He invited me to greet the crowd.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Need Your Help to Lead People to Jesus

Recently, I recorded a video explaining how to be saved. This is a powerful tool we made to help you evangelize. You probably have friends and family members who need Jesus. Here is an easy way for you to reach out to them.

You can help me reach people with the Gospel by promoting this video. Here are some things you can do to help!

1. Post the video on your Facebook page.

2. Twitter about the video, talk about it on your blog, or put a permanent link to it on your website.

Did you know that once a video is viewed many times, YouTube starts promoting the video? If lots of people watch this video in a short amount of time, YouTube will actually help us lead even more people to Jesus. The more people that watch the video, the wider the net will be cast.

After people watch the video, we offer to e-mail them a FREE e-book called “Welcome to the Kingdom.” This is the same book we have given away to tens of thousands of people who have been saved in our crusades. It explains how to be saved, how to be healed, how to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and how to live as a believer. This book will be a big blessing to anyone who wants to know more about God.

Turning the Internet into a Gospel Net,

Daniel King

P.S. I want to tell thousands of people about Jesus, but I need your help. Post the video on your Facebook page today.

To SHARE the video: Go to YouTube. Click the share button. Copy the link and paste it into your Facebook status. Add your own personalized message encouraging your friends and family to watch the video.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Uganda Posters

We are getting ready for two Gospel Festivals in Uganda. Check out the posters:

For more info about the towns we are targeting with the gospel, click on these links:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Is Hell a Real Place? Jesus Thought It Was.

The sad truth about Rob Bell's new book is that thousands of people will go to hell because he told them not to fear it.

Luke 16:27-28 “Then he said, ‘I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.’”

Is hell a real place? Jesus said it was. Jesus told this vivid story about the horrors of hell.

Once there was a rich man who always dressed in the best clothes and feasted everyday on the best foods and wines available. At his front gate there was a beggar named Lazarus who suffered from open sores on his skin. Everyday Lazarus waited by the gate, hoping to be fed with the leftovers from the rich man’s table. His only relief was when the rich man’s dogs came and licked his sores. One day, both the beggar and the rich man died.

The beggar went to heaven. The rich man went to hell. As the rich man was being tormented in the fires of hell, he looked up and saw the beggar in heaven, standing next to Abraham. He shouted to them, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to me. Have him dip the tip of his finger in water and touch my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame.”

Abraham replied, “Between us there is a great chasm, so that no one can pass from heaven to hell, or from there to here.”

Then, the rich man became concerned for his five brothers who were still living. He begged Abraham, “I beg you therefore, father, that you would send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he might testify to them, and prevent them from coming to this place of torment.”

Abraham refused the rich man’s request, saying, “If your brothers have not heeded the words of Moses and the prophets, then they will not listen to Lazarus, even if he comes back from the dead.”

In this story, we find a soulwinning call from the pits of hell. If we could hear the voices of people who have gone to hell, they would shout with all their might, “Don’t come here!” ”

Some theologians have dismissed this vision of hell by saying it is nothing but a parable. It is not a parable; it is a horror story about a reality that lies just beyond death’s door. In every parable which Jesus told, the characters have no names, but in this story Jesus tells us the names of the people in the story. They are real people with real names engaging in real dialogue.

Other theologians have tried to soften the threat of hell by saying that hell is simply a state of nothingness. But for this rich man, hell is a genuinely horrible place. This man has his senses, his memory, his reason; he is thirsty, he is in torment, he can think, and he is concerned about his family members who are still alive.

Our society often says that hell is one big party, a place for old friends to get drunk together for all of eternity. But according to Jesus, hell is not a party; it is torment. This man suffers from such agonizing thirst that he begs for just a drop of water to be placed on his tongue.

In this horror story, we hear a soulwinning call from hell. The rich man is begging for someone to go tell his family that hell is a real place. If the dead could speak, they would warn us of the dangers of hell.

This is how I know psychics are fake. When psychics claim to talk to voices from “the other side,” those voices always have nice things to say. If psychics really spoke to dead people, many of those people would be shouting, “Hell is a real place. Tell my relatives to get their lives right with God.”

If the church really had a revelation about the reality of hell, it would light a fire under us to be soulwinners. If you spent just ten seconds in hell, how motivated would you be to rescue people from such a horrible fate? Ten seconds in hell would provide enough motivation for ten thousand years worth of soulwinning efforts.

What is hell like? The Bible tells us the wicked shall be cast into hell (Psalm 9:17). Hell is a place of torment (Luke 16:28). Hell is a place of fire that is never quenched (Matthew 5:22; 18:9; Mark 9:43). Hell destroys the soul and the body (Matthew 10:28). Hell has worms that do not die (Mark 9:45). Hell is a place prepared for the punishment of the devil and his angels (2 Peter 2:4). Jesus has defeated hell (1 Corinthians 15:55). Jesus took the keys of death and hell (Revelation 1:18). Anyone whose name is not found in the book of life will be cast into hell (Revelation 20:15).

Monday, March 14, 2011

I need your opinion.

The first book I wrote was "Fire Power." It has been very popular and now we are going to republish it with a new cover. I just got this cover design back from our designer and I need your opinion. Does this look like a book that you would want to buy?

We are also redoing the cover on my book "Healing Power" What do you think of this cover? Do you have any suggestions or ideas?

Friday, March 4, 2011

His Command

Recently I was at a church and after the service, someone handed me a poem. I thought you might enjoy it.

His Command

“Go,” said the Master, “go, Son,
In the darkest of parts
Of this world so torn up by sin,
With its manifold bleeding hearts.”

Go where the night is the blackest,
Go where sin’s reign is complete,
Go in the name of King Jesus,
That name that knows no defeat.

Go give balm to the wounded,
The balm for without and within,
The balm that can heal all the bruises,
Caused in the conflict with sin.

Go where the lost and the dying,
The sad and differing sigh,
Take hope and cheer to the weary,
Tell of the home that’s on high.

Go tell the sweetest of stories
That mortals or angels can sing
Of the love of the Savior in glory,
How he offered to meet death’s cruel sting.

Tell of his love for the sinner,
How he healed the broken and torn,
Of his words so full of compassion,
How he cheered the weary and lorn.

Tell of the cross where they nailed Him,
Tell of His anguish and pain.
Tell of His prayer while they railed Him,
Tell He is risen again.

Tell how He went back to glory,
Tell of His ministry there.
Tell of His promises many,
That for His soon return we’ll prepare.

- J.L. Tucker

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pastor Prays Seven Years for a Crusade in His City

This is Pastor Davis and his family. He told me that he has been praying for seven years for a soul winning crusade to happen in his city. He was so excited that we came to Palmar Sur and he is so thankful for all the people who got saved.

Child of God Returns Home

Tonight my sermon was on “The Prodigal Son.” I preached, “even if you are one thousand steps away from God, it is only one step back.” When I gave the altar call I asked everyone who was living away from God to come home to the Father’s house.

One man ran to the front and fell to his knees. He began to cry. As I knelt down beside him, I noticed that he reeked of alcohol. He was half drunk. He told me his name was Abraham. As we knelt together, he gloriously repented and cried out to Jesus for forgiveness.

A lady from a local church told me, “Everyone in the city knows Abraham. Many years ago, he used to pastor a church in this city. But then he fell away from God. Nowadays he is known as a public nuisance because he is always drunk.” The whole city was astonished to see the man who had once been a pastor, but then turned away from God, came home to the Father’s house.

After the service, Abraham told me God had also healed him. He said, “Three years ago, I was in an accident and my shoulder was injured. I started to drink alcohol to dull the pain. But, now the pain is gone. Jesus has healed me.” I prayed with him and told him that God wants to restore him completely.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Harvest Time in Costa Rica

It is always wonderful when people choose to follow Jesus!

Flowers of Costa Rica

Here are some of the beautiful flowers right outside my hotel room.

Friday, February 18, 2011

One in a Million

This man gave his life to Jesus tonight! Many more in the audience also prayed for salvation.

Preaching in Costa Rica

Here is a picture of our first service in Costa Rica.

Preparing the Crusade Grounds in Costa Rica

We are doing four crusade meetings in four different cities in Costa Rica in four days. Here we are setting up the platform for our first night's service.

Seeing my sister Melody in Costa Rica

My sister Melody is a missionary in Honduras. She flew over to Costa Rica to see me for a day. It worked out perfectly because she needed to leave Honduras anyway in order to renew her visa. She is teaching at a school in San Pedro Sula. Right now, she only has three people who regularly support her. She is praying for more people to help her stay on the mission field. Can you pray about helping her out?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tribal Warfare Destroys Homes

In the area where we conducted our Gospel Festival there are over thirty homes that have been burned down and destroyed by tribal warfare in the past six weeks.

I visited one home. The walls were bashed in. The roof was gone. Ashes covered the floor. Broken pottery was scattered around. A mother and her two daughters were sleeping in the open air.

The mother explained, “My family is from one tribe and we are living in an area claimed by another tribe. They tell us we have to leave, but this is our home. One dark night a mob of young men from the other tribe marched down the street with fierily torches. They lit fire to the all the houses of my tribe. They stole our possessions. Now we have nothing and nowhere to go.”

At the Gospel Festival we preached that Jesus loves the people of every tribe. We asked the different tribes to forgive each other and to live in peace. Thousands gave their lives to Jesus. Now that the Prince of Peace is reigning in the hearts of the people, we pray that there will be peace between the tribes.