Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who is passionate about leading people to Jesus.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Daniel's Interview with Marilyn Hickey
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Ex-Mayor Says He will Follow Jesus!
Ex-Mayor Says He will Follow Jesus
On the third night of the Nepal Healing Festival, we issued a challenge, “If you have decided to follow Jesus, come up on the platform and testify.” The first person to come to the platform was the ex-mayor of the city. The entire crowd recognized him. He publicly declared, “I have decided to follow Jesus. I asked Jesus to forgive my sins. From now on, I will live for Him.” All the people cheered for the former mayor.
Saved in the Morning, Healed in the Afternoon
On the fourth morning of the Fire Conference, Daniel gave an altar call for salvation. The Fire Conference is supposed to be for pastors and leaders, but we opened it up for the entire city to attend. Since there were many Hindus scattered throughout the church crowd, Daniel felt the need to give them an opportunity to be saved.
He said, “If you want Jesus to forgive your sins, then I invite you to come to the front of the church. If you have never given your life to Jesus, then today is your day.” About twenty people walked forward in response. Daniel asked them to all kneel on the ground and led them in a prayer for salvation.
One of the men who came forward for salvation was crippled. He could not walk without using a cane. Joyfully, he gave his life to Jesus.
Later, in the afternoon festival, the same man came to the platform. Instead of leaning on his cane, he was holding it high in the air. Jesus had healed him!
Nepal is Open to the Gospel
My wife Jessica worked in Nepal as a missionary for six months back in 2001. She says, “When I lived in Katmandu (the capital of Nepal) I could feel deep spiritual oppression every day. Believers were few and persecuted. At that time, Nepal was a Hindu kingdom closed to the Gospel. Daily we prayed that things would change in this beautiful nation.”
Since then, the government has changed hands several times and now for the first time in history, it is possible to publicly proclaim the Gospel in Nepal. The Healing Festival that we are doing in the center of Surkhet is unprecedented.
We have received no opposition, no persecution. Top government officials have given us their stamp of approval. There is great openness to hear about Jesus. Thousands of Hindus have come to the festival and heard about Jesus for the first time. Here in Nepal there are entire villages and people groups that are willing to forsake their Hindu deities and become believers in Jesus.
All the local pastors are telling us that it is a miracle that we are doing a public, open-air presentation of the Gospel in the center of the city, because previously it would never have been allowed.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hindu Mother Saved
Hindu Mother Saved
Koussila comes from a Hindu family. She became a believer several years ago and ever since, she has had one prayer. Her one request to God was for her mother to be saved.
When Koussila head about the “Healing Festival” she was very excited. She volunteered to help setting up the festival. For three weeks she worked hard putting all the details of the festival together. Since she speaks English, she was able to translate regularly for Joshua Myers, our festival director.
As Koussila worked putting up posters and inviting people to the festival, she prayed that her mother would be willing to attend. On the first night of the festival, her prayers were answered.
Her mother stood behind the platform as the preaching began. She listened to every word. But, when we led the crowd in the salvation prayer, Koussila’s mother just stood there.
Koussila was helping us translate the miracle testimonies. After the healing testimonies were finished, Koussila left the platform and went to her mother. “Did you pray with the preacher to make Jesus your Lord?” she asked her mother. “No, I have been a Hindu my whole life and I was scared,” came the reply. Koussila began to witness to her mother. She explained the message to her and told her what it means to be a follower of Jesus. After several minutes, she asked her mother, “Would you pray with me and ask Jesus for salvation?” To Koussila’s delight, her mother said, “Yes.” Right there, behind the platform, Koussila led her mother to Jesus.
With tears in her eyes, Koussila brought her mother to us to share the news. Her mother was smiling. She still had a Hindu red dot in the middle of her forehead, but now Jesus was living in her heart.
Every King Must Have a Throne
Many village people have walked a long distance to attend the Healing Festival. Since it is to far for them to return home each evening, we have provided blankets for them to sleep on at night. All the churches and believers of Surkhet have opened their doors to house the villagers.
Today in the Fire Conference, one of the pastors stood up to address a problem. He said, “We have noticed that many of you have been going to the bathroom out in front of the church. We have a toilet inside the church that we want you to use. Since you are from the villages, perhaps you have never seen a toilet before. God has created you to be kings and queens, and as royalty you must not squat in front of the church, instead you must sit on the throne. Please learn how to use the toilet.”
Yes, we have Hot Water.
Before we arrived, our crusade director checked out our hotel rooms to make sure they were comfortable. One of the questions he asked the hotel manager was, “Does this hotel have hot water?” The answer was, “Yes, of course we do.”
To my disappointment, after a long dusty day preaching in the sun, I discovered that only freezing cold water came out of the showerhead. I gritted my teeth and took a cold shower. Sometimes when you are on a mission trip, you have to suffer for the Lord.
The next morning, at 5:30am there was a knock on the door. Blurry eyed, I answered the door. It was the desk clerk. In his hand was a pitcher of steaming hot water. “You want hot water for your shower?” he asked. By mixing hot and cold water in a bucket, I could have warm water to rinse off my body. So, technically the manager did not lie when he said the hotel has hot water, however, I still feel cheated somehow.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
God is Good!
God is Good
On the second night of the Nepal Healing Festival, Daniel King preached about the goodness of God. He told the crowd, “Everything good comes from God. Everything evil comes from Satan.”
Daniel proclaimed, “Sin, sickness, hate, fear, and poverty is from Satan; salvation, healing, love, peace, and prosperity is from Jesus.” The crowd laughed as Daniel tried to pronounce some of the words in the local language.
Then Daniel informed the people that a choice must be made between following God or following the way of sin. He read John 10:10, “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give you abundant life.” He continued with a passage from Deuteronomy, “Today, God sets before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life.” Finally, Daniel explained that Jesus said there is a broad road that leads to destruction, and a narrow way that leads to life.
“Every person must make a choice whether they will follow Jesus or follow the way that leads to death. Do you choose to go to heaven or do you want to spend eternity in hell? If you want to be a follower of Jesus, raise your hand.” Across the field, thousands of people lifted their hands high into the air. Virtually the entire crowd wanted to follow Jesus.
The Story of Pastor Padam
Twenty years ago, Pastor Padam was thrown in jail for preaching the Gospel. For five months he suffered in prison, wondering how his family was going to survive in his absence. Back then, Nepal was a Hindu kingdom and there was great opposition to the Gospel. But, now there is a new democratic government and people are becoming more open to Christianity. For Pastor Padam, it is a great miracle to be able to stand on a public platform and to talk about Jesus in front of the highest government officials. What he was once jailed for, he can now do in the open.
History Making
Throughout the town people are saying, “We have never seen anything like this before.” To be able to publicly proclaim, in the middle of the city, that Jesus is Lord is a great miracle. Never before have such large crowds of people gathered in this region to hear the Gospel.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Ultimate Ministry ToolBox Conference

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Free Resources for Pastors
My friend Greg Ford recently pointed me towards five websites that offer free design work, videos, and countdowns for churches. Check them out:
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Kalyn's Secret: A book every family should read

One of our close ministry friends recently wrote a book that I think every family that wants to protect their children should read. Here is some information about the book:
June 2010 - Tulsa, Oklahoma – Kalyn is the oldest daughter in the robust Cherry tribe of twelve. A pastor’s kid, Kalyn was active in church, a straight-A student and very loving to her parents and siblings…seemingly the perfect child. So how, at the age of 14, did she become involved with a man in their church three times her age? An $800 cell phone bill was the tip of the iceberg as the Cherry’s research for truth brought them face to face with a nightmare that had grown even under their watchful eyes. Overnight their daughter turned from a sweet, loving contributor to the family to a rebellious, suicidal, angry teen.
Kalyn’s Secret: Every Parent’s Battle to Save Their Children is a more than a compelling story of overcoming victory. The Cherry’s transparently reveal both sides of the nightmare as readers get to look into the parental “dark night of the soul” as well as the confused heart of the teen/not yet adult mindset and subsequent irrational behavior. In search of professional help, counselors misdiagnosed the problem for the first two years. Finally, the Cherry’s found a miraculous ray of hope that set them on a course of healing. In Kalyn’s Secret they share:
The warning signs they missed.
What they should have done different.
Why parents cannot reason with their teen as a rational adult.
The disturbing similarities between drug and alcohol addictions, eating disorders, sexual predators and perversion stalking today’s kids.
Most importantly, the vital keys every parent needs to avoid the camouflaged pitfalls our children face each day.
This is a story of hope. Parents will benefit from the Cherry’s extensive research revealing tools and insights for those who find themselves already in the battle and those desperately working to avoid it.
The Cherry’s five-year battle for restoration of their daughter’s mind and heart will encourage every parent who finds themselves in “every parent’s battle to save their children.”
Retail: $15.99 trade paper
ISBN: 978-0-88144-529-9
“As a Dad and as a Husband – I want to do everything I can to protect my family. This book offers great insight to help prevent physical and spiritual attack from outside influences and is an incredible resource to help those already in the battle. It is a message of hope for all parents.”
Michael W. Smith
“A must read for parents.”
Ron Luce
Director, Teen Mania
Click HERE to get your copy of the book: http://www.amazon.com/Kalyns-Secret-Lisa-Cherry/dp/0881445290/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1279431796&sr=8-1
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Last Airbender: How should Christians respond to Buddhist philosophy?
The Two Trees
By Daniel King
In Bihar, India there stands a tree called the Bodi Guya tree. Tradition claims that under this tree Buddha was enlightened after many days of meditation.
At the Mount of Olives in Israel, in the garden of Gethsemane, there stands an olive tree. Tradition claims that on the night he was betrayed, Jesus sat under this tree and cried out to God his Father.
I have seen both trees. I found that both of these great men struggled with the same problem while sitting under their respective trees. Both Buddha and Jesus suffered and confronted the problem of suffering, but they offered two different solutions
Suffering is a universal problem. In these modern times, one only has to watch the news for a few moments to discover horrible suffering somewhere in the world. A fire burns down a house. Famine causes starvation. War kills the innocent. Disease ravages bodies. The wealth of one stands in sharp contrast to the poverty of another. Children go to bed hungry. In many places, there is no hope, no dignity, no self-worth, and no future for humanity.
Buddha was deeply impacted by the suffering he saw four thousand years ago. Buddha was born as a prince and raised in protected luxury until one day he saw a poor leper. This confrontation with reality shook him and he began searching for a solution to the problems of this world.
In India, where Buddha walked there is an air of oppression throughout the society. Their fatalistic and pessimistic worldview promotes the idea of karma (works), reincarnation, and the caste system. Millions suffer their entire lives. Few believe that life can be better.
Under his tree, Buddha discovered the four noble truths of Buddhism. The first truth was “Life is Dukkha” (suffering). As he wondered around India as a monk, he saw the horrible plight of the beggars, experienced the depths of human poverty, and questioned old age, death, and the afterlife. Under that tree, he reached a conclusion, all of life is full of dukkah, nothing but suffering.
The second noble truth Buddha articulated is that “This suffering is because of our desire.” What desire? The desire to have a hot meal, a place to sleep, clothes to wear, sanitation, health care, education, to have someone who loves you and whom you can love, a better life for one’s children, the desire to live life to the fullest. When we want something and don’t get it, we start to suffer.
The third truth of Buddha’s enlightenment is that “When desire is eliminated, suffering is eliminated.” If you want nothing, you will not be disappointed when you do not get it.
Buddha’s fourth truth revealed the “Eight-Fold Path” to removing desire from your life. This led to the Buddhist philosophy of renunciation that has been practiced throughout the ages. Buddhist monks give up all their possessions, shave their heads, and live extremely ascetic lifestyles. They meditate for years attempting to achieve enlightenment, a place of nothingness; no desire, no thoughts, hopefully no suffering.
Under his tree, Jesus dwelt with suffering in a different way. According to Christianity, in the beginning of time, there was no suffering. God created the first man and woman and put them in a beautiful garden. But, one day in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve disobeyed God. This act of disobedience is called sin. Sin is what causes suffering.
When sin entered the world, sickness, hate, fear, and everything else that breeds suffering entered along with it. The Bible says “The wages of sin is death.” Every person who sins deserves to suffer and to die. The Bible says, “All have sinned.” Every person on earth has disobeyed God; we have lied, cheated, coveted, murdered, and disobeyed God’s commands. Thus, all humans suffer because of sin.
Jesus was God’s answer to the problem of suffering. Jesus, the Son of God, was born two thousands years ago in the city of Bethlehem. When Jesus walked the dusty streets of Israel, he too saw suffering. He experienced the depths of grief and pain. He cried. But his response was one of compassion.
When Jesus saw a man who was crippled for thirty-eight years, Jesus healed him by saying, “Take up your bed and walk.” When Jesus found a dead twelve-year-old girl, he brought her back to life. When a blind man approached Jesus, He restored his sight. When five thousand men plus woman and children were hungry, Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fishes to feed the entire crowd. Jesus performed many miracles to set people free from their suffering.
But, Jesus wanted to permanently cure suffering. The only way to accomplish this was for Him, as a perfect, sinless, Son of God, to suffer and die in place of humanity.
This is why Jesus laid in agony beneath his tree. His purpose for coming to earth was to set mankind free from suffering, but in order to triumph, he knew he must face the ultimate pain. He knew he would be flogged with a whip, spat upon, deserted by his friends, nailed to a cross, and left to die in shame. He cried out to God, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done.” He begged God to take the cup of suffering from his lips, yet because it was the only way to secure salvation for mankind, Jesus took the cup and drank deeply. Why? Because of his compassion.
Jesus died on a cross so we could be free from sin. He was whipped so we could be free from sickness. Jesus could have avoided suffering, but instead he chose to suffer so that we might be free from suffering.
Buddha dwelt with suffering by trying to deny its existence. Jesus dwelt with suffering by embracing it. When Jesus saw human suffering, He was moved with compassion, and performed miracles to relieve the suffering.
When Buddha saw human suffering, he decided that suffering is caused by desire, and the only way to avoid suffering is to avoid desire. Jesus came, not to set us free from desire, but to fulfill all our desires. Jesus said, “I have come to give you life and life more abundantly.”
Jesus did not reveal four noble truths, Jesus only revealed Himself. Jesus said, “I am...the Truth...anyone who comes to the Father must go through me.”
Today, Jesus still confronts suffering with compassion. Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be set free from suffering and live eternally in heaven, a place better than nirvana. The Bible says, “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
According to the Bible, in the Garden of Eden, there were two trees. The first was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the second was the Tree of Life. The first tree represents human knowledge and human effort, and the second represents the God kind of life. Buddha sits beneath the first tree, he developed the greatest human system in history for dealing with pain. Jesus sits beneath the second tree, he simply offers eternal life to all who come to him.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Weird McDonald's Menu
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
What is your church doing to reach the lost?
As an evangelist, I have two roles. My first role is to tell people about Jesus, to preach the Gospel, to be a soul winner. But my second role as an evangelist is just as important.
In addition to evangelizing the lost, I am also called to equip believers for evangelism. According to Ephesians 4:11, the five-fold ministry gifts are given for “the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.” In my blog today I want to give you an idea on how your local church members can be involved in reaching out to your community.
This past Saturday I participated in a local church outreach in Glenpool, OK with First Grace Church. The church is small, about one hundred members. Glenpool is a city of 12,000 people so the church feels it does not have the resources to do an outreach to the entire city, but they chose a particular neighborhood of about 150 home to focus on.
The church rented Jupiter Jumps and a popcorn machine, someone donated hotdogs, they invited a clown to make balloons, and they did face painting. They also did a drawing for a $300 pre-paid visa card in order to attract adults. The church members spread out into the community and invited people to come for a free hotdog. Of the 70 people who came around 25 people got saved! On Sunday morning, 8 people from the community came to church. At least two new families will start attending the church. For a church of this size, this was a very successful evangelistic outreach.
Below you can watch a video to see what happened.
Every church should give their congregation opportunities to reach out to those who are lost. Not every member of your church is called to be an evangelist, but every member of your church can be involved in evangelism. By scheduling regular outreaches your church members can have an outlet for their ministry gifts. Whether they participate by cooking hotdogs, knocking on doors, playing music, or just hugging people, every person in the church, from the young to the old, can help win the lost to Christ.
I want to hear from you. What is your church doing to reach out to the lost? What methods have you found to be effective for evangelism? Is there a needy community near your church that you could adopt?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
What does it mean to be Charismatic?
For years, I have proudly called myself a Charismatic Christian without being completely sure what the term “Charismatic” means. One day my curiosity was peaked and as I began researching, I was pleasantly surprised by the rich meaning of the word. Traditionally, the distinctives of the Charismatic faith include experiencing the infilling of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, believing in healing, and preaching the word of faith. What are some other implications of our name?
1. Charismatics are gifted.
The nine gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12:8-9 are often called charismas which is a Greek word which means “gifts.” The term “charismatic” was coined in the early nineteen sixties to refer to the branch of Christianity that believes in the gifts of the Spirit. Of course, as one professor at Oral Roberts University pointed out, “Those who believe in the Spirit-filled life are not a branch of Christianity, we’re the roots.”
2. Charismatics are leaders.
When a political leader has “charisma,” it means he has a leadership quality that is charming and appealing. In the same way, Charismatics are leaders in the body of Christ and have an undefinable glow which attracts the lost like a light draws bugs on a dark night.
3. Charismatics are graced.
The root in the Greek language for the word “charisma” is charis which is most commonly translated as “grace.” It is defined as “undeserved merit and favor.” So Charismatics are those who are smiled upon by God even when we do not deserve it. We literally walk in the grace of God.
4. Charismatics are joyful.
The Greek word for “joy” is chara, which comes from the word charis. Our joy is not based on a human experience that gives brief pleasure, rather our joy is obtained from the Lord and sticks with us in the midst of both the good times and the bad.
5. Charismatics are healers.
1 Corinthians 12:9 specifically mentions the charismas of healing or “gifts” of healing. As Charismatics, we use God’s power to heal people: spirit, mind, and body.
6. Charismatics are givers.
The term “charismatic” refers to a gifted one, but it could equally allude to to one who gives gifts. In 2 Corinthians 8-9, Paul mentions the grace (charis) of giving ten times when urging the church in Corinth to send an offering to the saints in Jerusalem. In other words, the word “Charismatic” could be translated “Givermatic,” defined as people who give automatically and cheerfully. Whenever the offering bucket passes, we are excited about giving.
7. Charismatics are blessed.
A final meaning of the word “charis” is blessing. So, Charismatics are “Blessed-o-matics,” those who are automatically walk in the fullness of God’s blessing.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
What is God doing in Costa Rica?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Costa Rica Crusade

Friday, March 5, 2010
Prayer Convocation
I am speaking this weekend at a Prayer Convocation. If you are in the Tulsa area we would love to see you!
“Wake Up, America ”
Inviting and calling ALL Christians and Churches
Second Annual Prayer and Fasting Convocation 4 Tulsa County
March 5-6
Carbondale Assembly of God
2335 West 51St Street, Tulsa , OK (918) 446-0795
Phil Taylor, Pastor
Friday Evening—7:00 to 9:00 PM
Chris Benge…State Representative and Speaker of the House
Jim Burkett…Pastor, Southwood Baptist, Tulsa
Video of how prayer saved the city of Cali , Colombia from the drug lords
Victor Cruz… Chaplain of the Tulsa Drillers
Willard Jones…Pastor, Greater Cornerstone Church
Saturday Morning—9:00 AM to Noon
Ted Robertson…President of International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen
Bob Green…Pastor, Arrow Heights Baptist, Broken Arrow
Sakhawat Maseeh, Islamabad ; Qamar Titus; Karin Pace
Don Hail… Victory Christian Center
Daniel King…International Evangelist/Missionary
If you believe and are praying for a County-wide Spiritual Awakening in Tulsa County…Please join us…and forward this message to your pastor and Christian friends. A REPLY will encourage those who have worked for the last year to make this event possible. For more information contact us at (918-728-0858).
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A King is Born!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Twelve Challenges of Overseas Missions
1. The challenge of reaching new people.
2. The challenge of articulating the gospel to non-Christians.
3. The challenge of discipling new believers.
4. The challenge of establishing relationships with the local churches.
5. The challenge of maintaining relationships with the local churches.
6. The challenge of teamwork.
7. The challenge of loneliness.
8. The challenge of cultural differences
9. The challenge of accountability to your home office.
10. The challenge of your future.
11. The challenge of communicating with partners.
12. The challenge of fundraising.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Your Name in a Book

Would you be part of impacting the lives of the readers of this book?
This week, I need $1,500 to cover the expense of designing, printing, and distributing this powerful new book.
Would you be one of fifteen people to give $100 to make the printing of this book possible? If you will contribute today, I want to do two things for you:
1. As my way of saying "Thank You" for helping to make this book possible, I want to include your name in the first edition of MOVE as one of the sponsors of the book.
2. As soon as MOVE is finished printing, I will send you five copies of this book for you to give to your friends and family.
Click HERE to give your gift of $100.
Are you waiting on God, or is God waiting on you?
You will learn:
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* Your Success is Motion-Activated
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