Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who is passionate about leading people to Jesus.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
For my Spanish Speaking Friends

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Innovative Idea for Outreach
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
How Would You Minister to a Pagan?
Every day we encounter people who have different belief systems. I believe there is a key to reaching each person. I always ask the Holy Spirit to show me how to minister to the people I run into. Sometimes I am able to lead someone to the Lord; often I fail. Today, I crashed and burned…
I met a man in the Atlanta airport today who is a self-proclaimed pagan. He was born a Baptist, but raised hell as a young man, now he is a girl’s volleyball coach. He is well read and has thought through his belief system. He does not believe there is a God who cares about him individually as a person, but he does believe in pagan fertility rites and Zen Buddhism.
His life philosophy comes from his volleyball coaching experience. He said, “Whoever gets the most playing time in life wins.” He said the point of life was to have fun, to play, to spend time in the game.
I shared my testimony with him and gave him a brief overview of the Gospel. He accused me of believing in a “closed-loop system.” He said that once I accepted “by faith” the existence of God and chose to believe the Bible, that I was closed to any other way of thinking. He said that my religion was no different than any other intolerant religion. After a few minutes of talking, he walked away to catch his flight.
My question is: How would you have ministered to him? What would you have said to bring him to Jesus?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Do you want to become a missionary?
She began to explain that she felt called by God to go full-time to the mission field but she did not know how to get started.
"If you want to become a full-time missionary, and live for a year or more on the mission field, I encourage you to get some training," I replied.
Several years ago, I was asked by Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK to be on the board of Victory World Missions Training Center. If you want to become a missionary, you should go through their one-year training program. You will learn how to minister cross culturally, how to learn a foreign language, techniques for effective outreach in foreign lands, plus you will learn how to share your vision and raise money.
As I thought about this woman's desire to become a missionary, I realized that other people who receive my e-mails may want to become missionaries too.
MISSIONARIES: Victory World Missions Training School is a great place to receive training if you want to become a missionary.
OTHER NATIONS: If you already live in a foreign country and want to learn how to be more effective in your ministry, you may want to consider VWMTC as a place for further training.
PASTORS: If there is someone in your church who wants to be a missionary, please consider sending them to this dynamic school before sending them out to the mission field.
For more information, check out their website at: http://www.victorymissions.com. For more information about attending the school, call: Reba Altizer at: 918-491-7630.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Witnessing in the Workplace
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Book Report on "Inside the Revolution" by Joel C. Rosenberg
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Great Tragedy...no one had ever talked to him about Jesus.
Today I rode a shuttle from the airport to my hotel in Denver. The driver was a Pakistani man who has lived in the United States for ten years. His name is Raza. He is Muslim and I had an interesting conversation with him about the Muslim religion. Then, I talked to him about Jesus. I started by telling him what the Koran says about Jesus, then I proceeded to tell him what the Bible says about Jesus. For thirty minutes I presented the entire Gospel message to him. He was interested in what I had to say. I did not get a chance to pray with him, but I did encourage him to find a Bible and read it.
But, the saddest part of the whole encounter is that I asked him if any other Christian has ever talked to him about Jesus. He said, “No.” For ten years he has worked in the United States driving people to and from the airport in Denver, Colorado. In all that time, NO CHRISITIAN HAS EVER TALKED TO HIM ABOUT JESUS.
Monday, August 10, 2009
What does it mean to be Charismatic?
For years, I have proudly called myself a Charismatic Christian without being completely sure what the term “Charismatic” means. One day my curiosity was peaked and as I began researching, I was pleasantly surprised by the rich meaning of the word. Traditionally, the distinctives of the Charismatic faith include experiencing the infilling of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, believing in healing, and preaching the word of faith. What are some other implications of our name?
1. Charismatics are gifted.
The nine gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12:8-9 are often called charismas which is a Greek word which means “gifts.” The term “charismatic” was coined in the early nineteen sixties to refer to the branch of Christianity that believes in the gifts of the Spirit. Of course, as one professor at Oral Roberts University pointed out, “Those who believe in the Spirit-filled life are not a branch of Christianity, we’re the roots.”
2. Charismatics are leaders.
When a political leader has “charisma,” it means he has a leadership quality that is charming and appealing. In the same way, Charismatics are leaders in the body of Christ and have an undefinable glow which attracts the lost like a light draws bugs on a dark night.
3. Charismatics are graced.
The root in the Greek language for the word “charisma” is charis which is most commonly translated as “grace.” It is defined as “undeserved merit and favor.” So Charismatics are those who are smiled upon by God even when we do not deserve it. We literally walk in the grace of God.
4. Charismatics are joyful.
The Greek word for “joy” is chara, which comes from the word charis. Our joy is not based on a human experience that gives brief pleasure, rather our joy is obtained from the Lord and sticks with us in the midst of both the good times and the bad.
5. Charismatics are healers.
1 Corinthians 12:9 specifically mentions the charismas of healing or “gifts” of healing.
As Charismatics, we use God’s power to heal people: spirit, mind, and body.
6. Charismatics are givers.
The term “charismatic” refers to a gifted one, but it could equally allude to to one who gives gifts. In 2 Corinthians 8-9, Paul mentions the grace (charis) of giving ten times when urging the church in Corinth to send an offering to the saints in Jerusalem. In other words, the word “Charismatic” could be translated “Givermatic,” defined as people who give automatically and cheerfully. Whenever the offering bucket passes, we are excited about giving.
7. Charismatics are blessed.
A final meaning of the word “charis” is blessing. So, Charismatics are “Blessed-o-matics,” those who are automatically walk in the fullness of God’s blessing.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
An E-mail Intercepted from Heaven
From: Angelic Building & Construction (AB&C Team - Sector 6)
To: Head of Mansion Construction
Subject: Heavenly Real Estate Boom
During the fourth quarter, there has been a rapid increase in soul winning on earth. While this is wonderful news, it has implications that must be addressed by our division.
As you know, our master carpenter (May he reign forever) promised each believer a mansion. Ever since he arrived back in heaven, our construction division has been working hard. At first, it was easy to keep up with the needs and at one point during the Middle Ages we were actually ahead of schedule. However, in these last days there has been a massive surge in demand.
As a case in point, Daniel & Jessica King just finished a Soul Winning Festival in Ethiopia and had over 45,000 people pray with them for salvation in just four days. When we received the work order for that many new mansions my wings almost fell off.
Here are my recommendations for accommodating this new growth:
1. The sector of heaven we are working on is almost full, I recommend opening up a new area. Real estate prices are going way up due to supply and demand. We’ll have to push back the gates of hell and use some of the land they were planning on using. They won’t be needing it anymore.
2. Alert the pavement angels. Increase their gold brick quota ten-fold.
3. Send a messenger to the head office and get blue prints for all the new houses. You know how much Jesus likes to individualize each house plan.
4. Pull some of the angels off “fiesta duty” and send them to help me build. I know its fun throwing a party every time a sinner gets saved, but if we don’t step up the pace we’ll never get finished before the M-SOL (Marriage Supper Of the Lamb).
No one here knows the day or the hour Jesus will be heading back to get his bride, but we do know the time is very close. We anticipate having the greatest harvest of souls in history just prior to his return. If we are going to have the mansions anywhere near complete, we need to get hopping on this immediately. We will have an eternity to rest, but right now there is no time to waste.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Help Needed Immediately
Last year, after our Gospel Festival in Pakistan we gave an offering to help plant house churches and to pay the salary of some of the local pastors in Pakistan. This morning, I found out that one of the pastors of the organization we work with has died because of the violence.
I spoke with our dear friend in Pakistan just moments ago. He cried as he told me about what has happened.
He explained through his tears, "I received a phone call from the Christians in Gojra as the attack was going on. The Muslims were burning the houses and as the Christians fled they called us. We left immediately to go help them. When we arrived, the houses were still smoldering. Many of our house churches were burned and one of our pastors has died."
He pleaded, "Please, can you do anything to help? They don't even have a cup for drinking water. They have no food. They have no place to sleep. Can you help them?"
Our hearts are moved by this crisis. Jessica and I promised to send some money immediately by Western Union to help the local believers in this time of tragedy.
The Christians of Gojra are left with nothing. Their houses have been burned, their churches were destroyed, some of them have died.
Would you help us provide IMMEDIATE food, clothing, and shelter for our dear brothers and sisters in Pakistan?
The next forty-eight hours are crucial. Whatever you can give will help these persecuted believers in the midst of their darkest hour.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Urgent: Please Pray for the Christians of Pakistan
Last night, I received an e-mail from our dear friend in Pakistan, Bishop M. In the last few days, Christians have been attacked and their homes have been burnt. Here is what happened in his words:
According to different sources in Toba Tek, the situation was like this. There was a marriage ceremony of a Christian in village Korian on 26th July where large gathering of children, women and men of relatives were present for celebration.
The Muslims accused one boy in marriage ceremony of burning the pages of the Holy Koran. The elders of Christians and Muslims in village met to defuse tension on clarification of Christian youth that he have not burnt pages of Koran.
On night of July 30, 2009, at 9:00 PM the Muslims of Village Korian announced on loudspeakers of Mosque to gather and teach lesson to infidel Christians who are accused of blasphemy by burning the holy pages of the Koran. The nearby villages also made same announcements from Mosques and Muslims gathered before homes of Christians in large numbers. Shouts of "Allah Akbar" and "Kill Infidels" rang out as the Muslim mob started setting on fire homes of Christians.
Many children, women and men were burnt to death inside homes. When news of attack on Christians came to District Police Officer in Toba Tek, he ordered deployment of police and Fire Brigade but Muslim mob blocked the roads by lying on the road.
The march of Muslims started from Railway Station Gojra at 10:00 am. It was attended by thousands of local and from near by villages marched towards Christian Colony. The Christian Colony Gojra is residence of one thousand Christian families who have settled here for over fifty years.
When Muslim marchers approached the Christian Colony, some two hundred Muslims hiding their faces with traditional Islamic scarf opened fire on the Christian houses. The Christians fled from their homes but were trapped and were executed by face covered Muslims with automatic firearms. The Muslim attackers looted 100 homes and set on fire more than fifty Christian houses.
These Militants used a particular type of chemical that is hard to extinguish to burn Christian homes.
They fired at one of the person whose name was Hameed Masih. He died at the spot. Then all the family of Hameed were crying and asking the Muslims, "Please don't kill us what ever you want to take from our home we will give you." But they threw the chemical on them & they burned all the family. 6 members of that family were burnt & died.
Please Pray & Help these Suffering Christian People, they need your Urgent Support in this difficult situation."
I feel that help is needed urgently. Would you help us go to the nation of Pakistan?