Daniel King is a missionary evangelist who is passionate about leading people to Jesus.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Last Chance to Give in 2009
Would you seriously consider sowing a generous End-of-the-Year Seed for missions? Often WHEN you sow is as important as WHAT you sow. By giving RIGHT NOW you will accomplish three things:
1. You will help us finish strong in 2009. Due to our recent crusades, we have had significant expenses above and beyond the norm. We need extra right now so we can be ready to reach more people with the Gospel in 2010.
2. You will schedule a season of supernatural blessing in your life as you move into the new year. Remember, what you make happen for others, God makes happen for you.
3. You save on your tax return for 2009. We will send you an official United States IRS tax-deductible receipt for any donations given before the end of the year.
Your generous gift RIGHT NOW will make it possible for us to lead thousands more to Jesus in the year to come and it will allow you to receive an extra tax deduction.
You can give by clicking below or by mailing your seed gift to: King Ministries - PO Box 701113 - Tulsa - Oklahoma - 74170 - USA. Please be sure to postmark your seed by December 31.
Visit www.kingministries.com to give online.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Honoring Oral Roberts

Today, December 15, 2009, Oral Roberts went to be with the Lord.
I will always remember hearing Oral Roberts speak. Few preachers are as dynamic or anointed as him. He often began by saying, "Something good is going to happen to you."
From Oral Roberts I learned about the importance of praying in tongues and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I learned about the miracle of seed-faith. I learned that God is a good God and the devil is a bad devil.
Oral Roberts was a great example of a healing evangelist. He often told the story of how he was healed of tuberculosis as a teenager. God commanded him, "Take my healing power to your generation." He obeyed God and held meetings across the United States in his great gospel tent.
God told Oral Roberts, "Build Me a university; build it on My authority and on the Holy Spirit. Raise up your students to hear My voice, to go where My light is dim, where My voice is heard small and My healing power is not known. Go even to the uttermost bounds of the earth. Their work will exceed yours, and in this I am well pleased." I graduated from Oral Roberts University in 2002 and consider myself to be part of the fulfillment of this prophecy as Jessica and I take God's healing power to the nations of the world.
Several years ago, my family and I had the privilege of visiting Oral and Evelyn Roberts at their home in California. They graciously spent several hours with us.
As we were leaving I asked Oral a question, "What advice would you give me as a young minister?"
Oral looked deep into my eyes and replied with three simple words that I will never forget, "Daniel, obey God."
Obeying God,
Daniel King
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Preaching in Croatia
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A Letter to Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty

On November 22nd, my pastor, Billy Joe Daugherty, entered into his heavenly reward.
He has joined the great crowd of witnesses and passed the baton to us who are still running the race. His life and example will continue to inspire all of us.
Below is a letter of appreciation that I wrote to Pastor Billy Joe last month. I share this letter with you as a way to honor him.
October 17, 2009
Dear Pastor Billy Joe,
Thank you! I want to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate you. Today at your son's wedding, tears came to my eyes when you walked out onto the stage. I started thinking about how much you mean to me.
When I was six-years-old, my parents moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma and became members at Victory Christian Center. You have been my pastor ever since. Now I am thirty and so thankful for everything you have taught me over the years. Here are some of the lessons I have learned from watching you.
You taught me ministers should be harvest- minded. Both in Tulsa and around the world, you go after souls. I have never seen a service at Victory where someone did not get saved. Souls has remained your primary focus. Your example has inspired me to go to the nations and you have a part in every person who receives salvation in our services.
You taught me ministers should be visionary. You went from one Victory Bible Institute to almost a 1,000 IVBI's to setting a goal to plant 10,000 IVBI's. As the work grows, your vision just gets bigger and bigger. I am inspired by your example to believe God for big things.
You taught me ministers should give generously. Every month, for over twenty years, Victory has supported my parents on the mission field. They are only one of many missionaries that Victory has supported over the years. The amount that you have been able to give to the mission field over the years is absolutely amazing. Thank you!
You taught me ministers can live debt-free. In our modern age, few are able to live debt-free, yet Victory has been able to build millions of dollars worth of buildings without a dime of debt. What a miracle! I am sure that the buildings could have been finished much sooner if you had submitted to the yoke of debt, but slowly and steadily God provided, and now Victory has such tremendous financial freedom.
You taught me ministers should live holy lives. Over the years, so many talented and anointed ministers have fallen because of sin, but you have remained steadfast, an example to the body of Christ.
You taught me ministers should live conservatively. Some ministers have used money inappropriately, but over the years you have lived a conservative lifestyle, always focused on giving to others instead of flaunting wealth. In this time where many question the motives of some ministers, I think your way of living speaks volumes.
You taught me a minister's wife can be anointed too. I have always admired the way that Pastor Sharon ministers alongside you. When I was praying for a wife, I asked God to give me a girl like Sharon Daugherty or Daisy Osborn. God gave me Jessica, and now we minister together around the world.
You taught me ministers can have Godly families. So many PK's end up hating God and the church, but all your kids are serving with you in the ministry. From you I learned that God does not just call individuals, He calls entire families. Jessica and I are believing God for our children to be mighty in the Lord.
You taught me ministers should remain committed to the truth. I remember hearing you preach at a meeting in Florida where many pastors from a wide variety of denominations were present. I know some of them did not believe in healing, yet you preached a strong healing message and gave God an opportunity to prove His Word with signs and wonders. Over the years you have been a strong defender of the faith. Thank you.
You taught me ministers should reach out in love. You always reach out in love to other denominations and Christian groups. Instead of drawing lines in the sand, you draw circles of love.
You taught me ministers should always speak positively. I have never heard you say a negative word about another pastor in town or against someone who has hurt you. Pastoring is one of the hardest jobs in the universe, but you do the job with such grace that it looks easy.
You taught me ministers should never get bitter. I can't count the number of times that I have heard you tell the story of the preacher who told you, "If you don't get bitter, you are going to make it." This advice has kept me going many times. It is amazing how often the opportunity comes for me as a minister to get bitter, but I just remember your advice and keep working at forgiving people.
You taught me ministers should honor those who have gone before us. I have seen how you have honored Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborn, Freda Lindsey, Dick Mills, and other great men and women of God who have served God faithfully. Because you have honored others, many will honor you.
Pastor Billy Joe, you demonstrate love through your life and actions. Thank you for your Godly example. You inspire me to follow God wholeheartedly. I appreciate you more than words can tell.
With Love,
Daniel King
Pictures from Croatia
Friday, November 20, 2009
How to Speak using a Translator
1. It is best to sit down with your translator before ministering and tell him about your sermon.
- Explain any hard concepts or unusual words you are going to use.
- Ask him to find the scriptures you are going to use and read them.
- Explain how you want him to work with you.
- Do you want him to mimic every one of your actions?
- Pray with the translator before the service. It is best if he is covered with the same anointing that is on you. The best translators are ministers in their own right who are used to flowing in the Holy Spirit.
2. Use short sentences and pause in-between each sentence.
3. Speak in complete ideas - not bits of sentences. Because sentence structure is turned around in some languages, you have to speak the whole thought so the translator knows where you are going with it. For example, in Spanish, they say “The man big and handsome...” instead of “The big, handsome man....” so if you only say the first few words, the translator won’t be able to get the sense of the sentence across to the audience.
4. Don’t use puns, idioms, colloquialisms, or slang.
Example #1:The letters J-O-Y stand for Jesus - Others - You. In Spanish, the word for joy is “gozo” which does not translate to Cristo - Otros - Usted.
Example #2: I heard a preacher say, “I had butterflies in my stomach on the airplane because Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you always...and the plane was high up in the air.” The translator just looked at him. The joke works in English but it does not translate.
5. Use the time the translator is speaking to think of your next sentence. You can be aware of what the translator is saying without fully listening to him.
6. Give the translator time to translate. Don’t cut him off before he has finished.
7. Don’t let a bad translator kill a service. If a translator is not doing a good job, don’t hesitate to find a new translator. But do it gently. Explain to the audience, “I’m sorry but this translator and I are not used to working together. He’s doing great but I want to try another translator.” Ideally this situation should not come up because it is embarrassing to the translator. Try to test the translator before putting him up on stage in front of a bunch of people.
8. Speak slowly and distinctly with good pronunciation. Sometimes it is hard for the translator to hear what you are saying if you are facing away from him and the stage monitors are not working right. If this happens, face towards the translator as you speak each sentence.
9. When you ask the audience to repeat a prayer after you, give clear instructions. What do you want them to do? Give both the translator and the audience time to repeat your words.
Here is a video sample of me working with a translator.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Do you have a passport?
Last week, at a church in Tennessee, I asked, “How many of you want to go on a mission trip someday.” The entire congregation raised their hands. Then I asked a follow-up question, “How many of you have passports?” Less than ten percent of the people replied in the affirmative. Everyone wanted to go, but few had taken the first step to be able to go. I told them, “If God gave you a fully paid, round-trip ticket to go preach in Africa tomorrow, most of you would not be able to take advantage of it. Before you can expect God to provide for you to go on a mission trip, you must take the first step and get a passport.”
When you take steps towards your vision, then God begins moving pieces into place for your provision.
So, do you have a passport?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Soul Winning Call from Hell - Luke 16:20-30
"Can we go too fast in saving souls? If anyone still wants a reply, let him ask the lost souls in Hell." -William Booth
Is hell a real place? Jesus thought it was. Jesus told a vivid story about the horrors of hell.
Once there was a rich man who always dressed in the best clothes and feasted everyday on the best foods and wines available. At his front gate there was a beggar named Lazarus who suffered from open sores on his skin. Everyday Lazarus waited by the gate, hoping to be fed with the leftovers from the rich man’s table. His only relief was when the rich man’s dogs came and licked his sores. One day, both the beggar and the rich man died.
The beggar went to heaven. The rich man went to hell. As the rich man was being tormented in the fires of hell, he looked up and saw the beggar in heaven, standing next to Abraham. He shouted to them, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to me. Have him dip the tip of his finger in water and touch my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.”
Abraham replied, “Between us there is a great chasm, so that no one can pass from heaven to hell, or from there to here.”
Then, the rich man became concerned for his five brothers who were still living. He begged Abraham, “I beg you therefore, father, that you would send Lazarus to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he might testify to them, and prevent them from coming to this place of torment.”
Abraham refuses the rich man’s request, saying, “If your brothers have not heeded the words of Moses and the prophets, then they will not listen to Lazarus, even if he comes back from the dead.”
In this story, we find a soul winning call from the pits of hell. If we could hear the voices of people who have gone to hell, they would shout with all their might, “DON’T COME HERE.”
Some theologians have dismissed this vision of hell by saying it is nothing but a parable. It is not a parable, it is a horror story about a reality that lays just beyond death’s door.
Other theologians have tried to soften the threat of hell by saying that hell is simply a state of nothingness. But, for this rich man, hell is a genuinely horrible place. This man has his senses, his memory, his reason, he is thirsty, he is in torment, he can think, he is concerned about his family members who are still alive.
Our society often says that hell is one big party, a place for old friends to get drunk together for all of eternity. But, according to Jesus, hell is not a party, it is torment. This man suffers from such agonizing thirst that he begs for just a drop of water to be placed on his tongue.
In this horror story, we hear a soul winning call from hell. The rich man is begging for someone to go tell his family that hell is a real place. If the dead could speak, they would warn us of the dangers of hell.
This is how I know psychics are fake. When psychics claim to talk to voices from “the other side,” those voices always have nice things to say. If psychics really spoke to dead people, many of those people would be shouting, “Hell is a real place. Tell my relatives to get their lives right with God.” By the way, did you hear about the psychic who recently went out of business? Yeah, she should have seen it coming.
If the church really had a revelation about the reality of hell it would “light a fire” under us to be soul winners. If you spent just ten seconds in hell, how motivated would you be to rescue people from such a horrible fate?
What is hell like? The wicked shall be cast into hell (Psalm 9:17). Hell is a place of torment (Luke 16:28). Hell is a place of fire that is never quenched (Matthew 5:22; 18:9; Mark 9:43). Hell destroys the soul and the body (Matthew 10:28). Hell has worms that do not die (Mark 9:45). Hell is a place prepared for the punishment of the devil and his angels (2 Peter 2:4). Jesus has defeated hell (1 Corinthians 15:55). Jesus took the keys of death and hell (Revelation 1:18). Anyone whose name is not found in the book of life will be cast into hell (Revelation 20:15).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The $650 Million Dollar Mistake
Today I visited one of the most famous landmarks in Dubai. If you notice, all the pictures of the Burj Al Arab luxury "seven star" hotel are from the side. It is built to resemble the sail of a sailboat at sea. But the front of the building facing the sea, is distinctly the shape of a huge cross. Every boat and luxury yacht that sails into the harbor of Dubai sees a giant 289 foot tall cross which is taboo in a Muslim culture. You will never see a picture of the building from this angle but the cross is there.
So the building that was built to be the iconic anchor for the entire Dubai waterfront is a cross. This is a stunning, 650 million dollar design mistake...and no one noticed until the hotel was almost finished.
Right at the center of the Muslim city of Dubai is a symbol of Christianity...and I pray that someday Jesus truly will be the center of their hearts.
Jesus Heals Muslims in Pakistan
On the first night of the Festival, I welcomed everyone by saying, "We welcome our Christian friends. We welcome our Catholic friends. We welcome our Hindu friends, and we welcome our Muslim friends."
Word began to spread that Muslims were welcome and on the second night of the festival many Muslims were scattered throughout the crowd. As the Word of God was preached, they listened intently. Then miracles began to happen. Men and women began jumping to their feet and announcing that Jesus had touched them. We invited them to the platform to testify.
The first woman to speak had been paralyzed on her right side for ten years. She demonstrated her healing by lifting her arm high over her head. Then she shocked the crowd by saying that she was a Muslim. "Who healed you?" we asked. "Issa ul Masih healed me! Jesus Christ healed me!" she exclaimed.
The next person to testify was also a Muslim, and the next, and then another. Out of thirty people who came to the platform to testify of healing, over two-thirds were Muslim.
The news that Jesus was healing Muslims spread like wildfire. The next night, the mullah from the local Mosque came to the Festival. He had heard that Jesus was healing Muslims and he told his entire mosque to attend the Festival. We gave him a seat of honor next to the pastors on the platform. When I began to speak, the Muslim leader stood up and put a rose garland around my neck and publicly thanked us for coming. The pastors were very excited, as this was unusual.
As the preaching began, thousands listened intently to every word as we explained that sin separates us from God and Jesus is the only way to heaven. When the invitation came for the people to receive salvation, almost the entire crowd prayed to ask Jesus to forgive their sins.
On the final night of the Festival, the size of the crowd increased again. Many more Muslims and Christians were healed by the power of God.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Week #1 in Pakistan

That afternoon we drove two hours to the city of Gujranwala where I met up with my father and mother, and then held an evening service in the village of Botala Genda Singh. 200 people listened intently as I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof.
A teenager was broght to me by his mother. She explained that he was mute and he could not speak since birth. We prayed for him and he began to speak and imitate the noises we made. God had loosed his tongue!
So many people were healed that night, our generator ran out of gas before we were able to hear all the testimonies! Even with the courtyard plunged into total darkness, the people continued to praise God for what He had done.
On Tuesday, we split up to fight on two battle fronts at the same time. My parents traveled to the village of Qila Dedar Singh where they ministered to over 700 people. My father preached on loving God with all your heart, mind, soul, and body.
Simultaneously, I preached at the historic Sialkot Convention, a yearly gathering of church leaders and believers. The convention began in 1904 when revival spread throughout Pakistan from the epicenter of Sialkot. This year's theme was "Peace" and I preached about how God gives complete peace in spirit, mind, and body through the completed work of the Cross.
The miracles kicked off with a woman who was partially blind demonstrating that she could see. Another testified that she had been at the previous night's service where my father preached. She had a tumor in her belly, but as she slept the tumor disappeared. She returned to give God glory publicly!
As I was finishing the service, a shot rang out and fireworks exploded into the sky. At first, my translator said that one of our policemen was celebrating, but then our festival director rushed us off into a nearby house. We hid for 45 minutes before driving away down back alleys. Word came that our guards had seen a suspicious looking car headed toward our service. They fired a warning shot and the car turned around and quickly raced off.
The next morning, the head of the local Pakistani Intelligence appeared at our home and began asking questions about the incident. He took a copy of our passports and told us we had to have 24-hour police protection. As I write to you now, two policemen are in the guesthouse nearby.
Thursday/Friday: Jesus Heals
Oh Friday both my father and I spoke at the Sialkot Convention during the afternoon. The crowd had swelled to over 7,000 people plus thousands more outside the main tent. I preached on the woman with the issue of blood and my father preached on Psalm 91. I asked everyone who had received a miracle to stand to their feet. Over 100 people across the tent stood up to show that Jesus had touched them!
Friday, September 18, 2009
John Hyde: His Prayers Changed a Nation

As I studied the history about what God has done in this part of the world, I discovered the amazing story of a missionary who changed an entire nation with his prayers.
John Hyde: His Prayers Changed a Nation
John Hyde was an American missionary who ministered in northern India and Pakistan over one hundred years ago. Today, he is known as “Praying Hyde.”
In 1896 Hyde traveled to many villages in the state of Punjab. He wrote, “This year there were no conversions in the villages. There were last year. What is the reason?” His solution was to fall to his knees in prayer. He began to cry out to God for lost souls. He often prayed all day long and through the night, foregoing food and sleep. He was often seen crying as he prayed, “O God, give me souls or I die.”
Hyde saw a need to encourage and train pastors so he invited a group of local pastors to the city of Sialkot for a convention in 1904. Before the first meeting, Hyde spent thirty days on his face before God in prayer. In this prayer-saturated environment, there was a great outpouring of God’s Spirit. Many confessed their sins and pledged themselves to seek God.
At the Sialkot Convention in following years, there was great “brokenheartedness for sin” and a burden for lost souls. One brother who attended the convention describes what he saw, “Oh, what an awful vision I have had! Thousands of souls in this land…being carried away by the dark river of sin! They are in hell now. Oh, to snatch them from the fire before it is too late.”
In 1908, John Hyde announced at the Sialkot Convention he was believing God for at least one soul to be saved everyday. He asked God to give him, not just a seeker, but “a soul saved, ready to confess Christ in public and be baptized in His Name.” In a nation where some churches went years without any conversions, many thought his goal was impossible. But, John Hyde began to pray and travel and preach. He encouraged those who worked with him to save the lost.
One of his friends reported that Hyde “would engage a man in a talk about his salvation. By and by he would have his hands on the man’s shoulders and be looking him very earnestly in the eye. Soon he would get the man on his knees, confessing his sins and seeking salvation. Such a one he would baptize in the village, by the roadside, or anywhere.”
By the end of that year, over four hundred new believers had been baptized! In 1909, John Hyde asked God for an even more audacious request. He wanted two souls to be saved every day. If the daily quota was not filled, his response was to stay up all night in prayer crying out for God to give him souls. As he focused on soul winning, he found himself drawing closer to the heart of God. He preached, “When we keep near to Jesus it is He who draws souls to Himself through us.”
Over eight hundred people were saved that year and at the Sialkot Convention in 1910 the vision was enlarged once again. That year, Hyde set a goal of leading at least four people to Jesus every day. His example challenged other pastors and missionaries. Some ministries that had experienced years of little or no fruit suddenly saw hundreds coming into the kingdom of God. Much of what God has done in Pakistan and northern India in the past one hundred years can be traced back to the original Sialkot Convention and John Hyde.
Will you pray for souls to be saved?
This year 2009, I have been invited to be a speaker at the historic Sialkot Convention. We are holding open-air meetings next to the house where John Hyde used to pray. I believe God is bringing us to the epicenter, ground zero, of what He has done in Pakistan.
This is not by accident. God is raising up a new generation of preachers who are passionate about soul winning. The prayers of John Hyde still ring true! The greatest harvest of souls in Pakistan is still ahead and my wife and I are privileged to play a part in what God is doing.
John Hyde made a difference with his prayers and you can make a difference with your prayers! Would you commit to pray for us for the next three weeks as we minister in Pakistan and Afghanistan?
We still need financial help to complete the budget of the ministry we are doing. Will you help out? Click here to make a donation: https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=9448
Monday, September 14, 2009
Do you want to IMPACT an entire village?

Next week we begin a series of Gospel Festivals in the villages of Pakistan.
Jesus ministered to "every town and village" (Matthew 4:23) and we are endeavoring to do the same.
Our team has chosen a strategic central location for each of our Gospel Festivals to take place.
Buses from surrounding villages will bring people to the central location of our Festival.
97% of Pakistan is Muslim, so the vast majority of these villagers are unreached Muslims who have never heard that Jesus saves!
Each bus that comes to our Gospel Festivals will be filled with villagers. They will ride on the roof and hang onto the back railings. Fathers will come with their children and wives. Each bus seats fifty but can contain over a hundred people crammed everywhere possible, eager to come to the Festival.
Since the villagers are unable to pay the bus fare, we are helping by paying the cost of gas for each of the buses. It costs about $50 for every bus that brings people to hear the Gospel.
I fly to Pakistan this Friday, so I need to hear from you TODAY. The villagers are waiting right now to hear if a bus will be available to take them to the Gospel Festival.
Will you help us IMPACT an entire village by sponsoring a bus today?
Click HERE to sponsor a BUSTuesday, September 8, 2009
You Can Change a Life...With a Book.

Our next Gospel Festival is in the nation of Pakistan. We want to print 10,000 books to give to new believers. Each book will cost us $0.15 to print.Would you be one of fifteen people to give a gift of $100 today to make it possible for us to print these books?
Click HERE to help print books for Pakistan
"Show me what you are reading," I asked him.
When he handed me the book, I recogized the cover. It was written by my friend and mentor, the great missionary-evangelist T.L. Osborn.
I asked, "Where did you get this book?"
He said, "Twenty years ago, Dr. Osborn came to my nation. My father got saved at his meeting and decided to become a pastor. Dr. Osborn gave him this book and for twenty years my father preached his sermons from this book. Last year my father died and I became the pastor of this church, and now I preach from the same book."
When I heard that pastor's story, I realized the impact one book can have on the nations. At each of our massive Gospel Festivals, my goal is to put a book in the hands of every new believer.
2. Books continue to preach the Gospel long after I have returned home. Books can go farther then I can go, stay longer then I can stay, and impact lives I can never reach. By giving away books, I am imitating God. Our heavenly father sent his Son (Jesus) for a season, but He left His book (the Bible) forever.
3. Book are often passed from hand to hand and read by many different family members and neighbors. After one of our festivals we did a survey and discovered an amazing fact. Each book which we gave away was read by an average of ten people. So, if we give away ten thousand books, we can potentially impact over one hundred thousand people.
4. Books are treasured by new believers. In all our festivals, I have never seen one of our books thrown to the ground and trampled underfoot. Each one is valued and read. Recently a woman named Maria gave her life to Jesus during one of our Great Gospel Festivals. After a counselor handed her a book, tears poured from her eyes as she said, "Thank you!" I saw her reading the book as she walked toward her bus. She would take a step and read a page, then take another step. I am sure she read the entire book before she ever arrived home.
I need to hear from you RIGHT NOW so I know how many we can print. It would be a great tragedy for even one new believer to leave the festival without receiving a book. Please, respond to this e-mail today and help us print books.
We need 15 people to give a gift of ONE HUNDRED dollars. We want to print at least 10,000 books at a cost of $0.15 each.
Would you be one of fifteen people to give a gift of $100 today?
To Sow books into Pakistan, CLICK HEREThursday, September 3, 2009
What is an Evangelist?
Here is a short excerpt from a new book I am working on called "The Work of the Evangelist." This book project will be used to train and release hundreds of new evangelists into the mission field.
The word “evangelist” comes from the Greek word euangelistes which comes from the root word euangelion which is translated as “gospel.” These words are both derived from the word angelos which means angel or messenger. This type of messenger is one who brings tidings of a great victory or good news. When a battle was won, a messenger (evangelist) would be sent to all the surrounding cities to announce the victory. The word “gospel” means good news, and the evangelist is one who preaches the good news.
The word “evangelist” is used three times in the New Testament. Philip is called an evangelist (Acts 21:8), Paul mentions evangelists in his list of ministry offices; along with apostles, prophets, pastors, and teachers (Ephesians 4:11), and Paul tells Timothy to do the “work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5).
However, the root word of “evangelist” which is the Greek word for “gospel” is used ninety-five times in the New Testament. Jesus is the first evangelist of the New Testament since he went about “preaching the good news of the kingdom” (Matthew 4:23). Throughout the writings of Paul, the heart of the Gospel message is that God provided for the salvation of humankind through the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thank you for your help!
Last month, in the Pakistani villages of Korian and Gojra, over 150 Christian homes were burned and at least eight Christians were viciously murdered for their faith.
The survivors were left with nothing. No food. No clothing. No homes. They desperately needed help. I sent out an e-mail about their desperate situation, and many of you responded. Thank you so much!
Because of your generosity we were immediately able to send money to help the people of Gojra , Pakistan . You enabled us to provide food and other help in the time of their greatest need.
More Help is Needed
In just a couple of weeks, Jessica and I are headed back to Pakistanfor our second massive Gospel festival in this Muslim nation.
We feel this is a critical time to minister to Pakistan . Because of the horrible tragedy that has happened, people are more open to the Gospel than at any other time.
The purpose of this trip is two-fold:
1. We want to encourage local believers during this time of crisis.
2. We want to reach out to Muslims with the love of Christ.
Can you send a significant financial gift TODAY to help us minister to the people of Pakistan ?
Is THEIR religion good enough for you?
My friend, Kevin Wagner asks some powerful questions in his newsletter this month...read what he has to say...
Dear Friends of the Harvest:
Hallelujah! I hope that you have been having a blessed summer so far. In this month’s Joy Report, I would once again like to share with you some powerful reflections on missions and evangelism inspired by the late Rev. Oswald Smith, longtime Pastor of The People’s Church in Toronto.
Some people say that unbelievers are better off as they are; that their religions are good enough for them. They say that the unbelievers are happy in their unbelief, and that it is a mistake to share the Gospel with them. But the Bible says in Psalm 74:20 that
"The dark places of the world are full of the habitations of cruelty”
And so it is. Non-Christian religions are characterized by cruelty. Fear grips their people's hearts. They are in constant dread of evil spirits, spirits that must somehow be appeased.
Here is a story from Africa: It was at midnight. Suddenly there was a death wail in the village; a little baby had died. Immediately the witch doctor was called. The villagers were aroused. Before very long he had pointed out a woman whom he accused of having caused the death of the little one. She immediately protested, insisting that she was innocent, but she had to be tried. They hurried away to the tree that stood in the center of the village. She was told to climb it and then hurl herself from the topmost bough. She began to climb. Presently she sat on one of the branches and again protested her innocence. Everyone knew she was telling the truth. She was one of the finest women in the village, highly respected by all, but the witch doctor had pointed her out as the one guilty, hence she had to prove her innocence.
Then she commenced climbing again, until she had reached the highest limb of the tree. There she sat, again maintaining her innocence. Then, before the horrified gaze of the onlookers, she threw herself down to the hard ground, and was instantly killed, most of the bones of her body being broken. She was thereby judged guilty. Had she been innocent she would have been unharmed.
That has happened in the case of multitudes through the millenia. Why? Because of demonic religion. Non-Christian religions often demand it, hence there is no escape. Would you be willing to take her place? Until you are prepared to accept her religion and give up your Christianity let no one ever hear you say "Their religions are good enough for them."
In Australia, in the heart of that continent there is an immense desert where it gets very hot, and there Australia's aboriginal people live, often sleeping on the sand. A mother gives birth to a baby. someone in the village dies. A victim must be found.
Before long the witch doctor makes his way towards the newborn babe. The mother clutches it frantically to her breast, but without a moment's hesitation the witch doctor tears it from her arms and, amidst her shrieks and cries, lays it on its back on the sand, forces open its little mouth, takes handfuls of sand and pours it into the open mouth and down the throat, until its mouth is filled with sand and the precious child strangles to death. Why? Because their religions demand it. There must be a human sacrifice. Evil spirits have to be appeased.
Would you be willing to change places with that mother? If her religion is good enough for her, then it is good enough for you. But unless you are willing to take her place and have your little newborn baby torn from your arms and put to death as hers was, you have no right to say that their religions are good enough for them. It is because of religion that these horrible practices are carried on.
Do you not think that the mother suffers, just as you would suffer? Of course she does. She feels for her baby as you would feel for your baby, but the witch doctor knows no mercy; the spirits must be satisfied. Is her religion good enough for her? Then it is good enough for you.
In the South Sea Islands, a group of islanders were gathered around the body of a man lying still on the ground. There was a young woman under a nearby tree. She was the widow of the man who had died.
Suddenly the natives approached her. She was unresisting. Full well she knew what would happen. They placed a cord around her neck, and then commenced to strangle her to death. And there before the eyes of all present that beautiful young woman was strangled to death and her body was placed beside that of her husband. Why? Because their religion demanded that when a husband died his widow must be strangled to death to accompany him on his journey. And if the eldest son is old enough, he is the one who must strangle his mother. Moreover, all the children, if they are too young to support themselves, must likewise be put to death. That is religion; religion without Jesus.
Would you be willing to change places with that widow? Could you look forward to such an experience in the event of your husband's death? If their religions are good enough for them, then they are good enough for you; and if they are not good enough for you, then do not say that they are good enough for them.
In India, the body of a husband was placed on a pile of wood, and then the widow, still alive and well, was placed beside him, and the two bodies, one dead and the other alive, were bound together and then set on fire. There among the shrieks and screams of the dying widow as she slowly burned to death, the natives gathered around, believing as a result of their idolatry that the evil spirits were being pacified, and that now the husband would have his wife in the other life.
Would you be willing to change places with that widow? Multitudes of widows through the millenia have died in the flames when their husbands died, just because of idolatrous religions like this. Are their religions good enough for them? Then they must also be good enough for you. If you would not be willing to change places with that widow, giving up your Christianity and taking on her idolatry, then do not say that their religions are good enough for them and that they are better off as they are. Could a widow be happy enduring such torture? Of course not. "The dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty."
A follower of Islam stood before the people in the center of his town and hacked his skull with a great, long knife until the blood flowed freely, and then took newspapers and stuck them into those open gashes, after which he deliberately struck a match and willingly set himself on fire. There he stood, the fire sizzling the blood, burning the paper and the hair; the man enduring the most excruciating agony.
Why, you ask? Because of his religion. He must afflict his body; he must suffer; he must endure torture in order to gain a place in Heaven, and so he tormented himself. Would you be willing to exchange places with him? Would his religion be good enough for you? Could you endure such torment? Would you be willing to suffer as he suffered? Unless his religion is good enough for you, do not say that it is good enough for him.
Unbelievers are NOT better off as they are. They are NOT happy, they are miserable. They are most unhappy; they are wretched, they suffer, they are in fear of evil spirits constantly, they are always attempting to appease them. There is no rest in unbelief, no peace, no joy. Only Jesus Christ can impart joy. Therefore let us do everything we possibly can to give them the Gospel before it is forever too late, that they may experience the joy that you and I know in Jesus. Let none of us ever again say, "They are better off as they are. Their religions are good enough for them."
And that, my friends, is why we do what we do. We do it for Jesus. And we do it for them; for the multitudes of men and women in our world today like the ones we told you about above, whom Satan has deceived, but who are desperate for Jesus, whether they know it yet or not. Thanks for sending us to them. Because of you, the Lord will keep delivering them from their spiritual darkness!
For the Lost,
Evangelist Kevin Wagner
Check out his website at: www.wagnerministries.org
Saturday, August 29, 2009
For my Spanish Speaking Friends
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Innovative Idea for Outreach
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
How Would You Minister to a Pagan?
Every day we encounter people who have different belief systems. I believe there is a key to reaching each person. I always ask the Holy Spirit to show me how to minister to the people I run into. Sometimes I am able to lead someone to the Lord; often I fail. Today, I crashed and burned…
I met a man in the Atlanta airport today who is a self-proclaimed pagan. He was born a Baptist, but raised hell as a young man, now he is a girl’s volleyball coach. He is well read and has thought through his belief system. He does not believe there is a God who cares about him individually as a person, but he does believe in pagan fertility rites and Zen Buddhism.
His life philosophy comes from his volleyball coaching experience. He said, “Whoever gets the most playing time in life wins.” He said the point of life was to have fun, to play, to spend time in the game.
I shared my testimony with him and gave him a brief overview of the Gospel. He accused me of believing in a “closed-loop system.” He said that once I accepted “by faith” the existence of God and chose to believe the Bible, that I was closed to any other way of thinking. He said that my religion was no different than any other intolerant religion. After a few minutes of talking, he walked away to catch his flight.
My question is: How would you have ministered to him? What would you have said to bring him to Jesus?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Do you want to become a missionary?
She began to explain that she felt called by God to go full-time to the mission field but she did not know how to get started.
"If you want to become a full-time missionary, and live for a year or more on the mission field, I encourage you to get some training," I replied.
Several years ago, I was asked by Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, OK to be on the board of Victory World Missions Training Center. If you want to become a missionary, you should go through their one-year training program. You will learn how to minister cross culturally, how to learn a foreign language, techniques for effective outreach in foreign lands, plus you will learn how to share your vision and raise money.
As I thought about this woman's desire to become a missionary, I realized that other people who receive my e-mails may want to become missionaries too.
MISSIONARIES: Victory World Missions Training School is a great place to receive training if you want to become a missionary.
OTHER NATIONS: If you already live in a foreign country and want to learn how to be more effective in your ministry, you may want to consider VWMTC as a place for further training.
PASTORS: If there is someone in your church who wants to be a missionary, please consider sending them to this dynamic school before sending them out to the mission field.
For more information, check out their website at: http://www.victorymissions.com. For more information about attending the school, call: Reba Altizer at: 918-491-7630.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Witnessing in the Workplace
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Book Report on "Inside the Revolution" by Joel C. Rosenberg
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Great Tragedy...no one had ever talked to him about Jesus.
Today I rode a shuttle from the airport to my hotel in Denver. The driver was a Pakistani man who has lived in the United States for ten years. His name is Raza. He is Muslim and I had an interesting conversation with him about the Muslim religion. Then, I talked to him about Jesus. I started by telling him what the Koran says about Jesus, then I proceeded to tell him what the Bible says about Jesus. For thirty minutes I presented the entire Gospel message to him. He was interested in what I had to say. I did not get a chance to pray with him, but I did encourage him to find a Bible and read it.
But, the saddest part of the whole encounter is that I asked him if any other Christian has ever talked to him about Jesus. He said, “No.” For ten years he has worked in the United States driving people to and from the airport in Denver, Colorado. In all that time, NO CHRISITIAN HAS EVER TALKED TO HIM ABOUT JESUS.
Monday, August 10, 2009
What does it mean to be Charismatic?
For years, I have proudly called myself a Charismatic Christian without being completely sure what the term “Charismatic” means. One day my curiosity was peaked and as I began researching, I was pleasantly surprised by the rich meaning of the word. Traditionally, the distinctives of the Charismatic faith include experiencing the infilling of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, believing in healing, and preaching the word of faith. What are some other implications of our name?
1. Charismatics are gifted.
The nine gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12:8-9 are often called charismas which is a Greek word which means “gifts.” The term “charismatic” was coined in the early nineteen sixties to refer to the branch of Christianity that believes in the gifts of the Spirit. Of course, as one professor at Oral Roberts University pointed out, “Those who believe in the Spirit-filled life are not a branch of Christianity, we’re the roots.”
2. Charismatics are leaders.
When a political leader has “charisma,” it means he has a leadership quality that is charming and appealing. In the same way, Charismatics are leaders in the body of Christ and have an undefinable glow which attracts the lost like a light draws bugs on a dark night.
3. Charismatics are graced.
The root in the Greek language for the word “charisma” is charis which is most commonly translated as “grace.” It is defined as “undeserved merit and favor.” So Charismatics are those who are smiled upon by God even when we do not deserve it. We literally walk in the grace of God.
4. Charismatics are joyful.
The Greek word for “joy” is chara, which comes from the word charis. Our joy is not based on a human experience that gives brief pleasure, rather our joy is obtained from the Lord and sticks with us in the midst of both the good times and the bad.
5. Charismatics are healers.
1 Corinthians 12:9 specifically mentions the charismas of healing or “gifts” of healing.
As Charismatics, we use God’s power to heal people: spirit, mind, and body.
6. Charismatics are givers.
The term “charismatic” refers to a gifted one, but it could equally allude to to one who gives gifts. In 2 Corinthians 8-9, Paul mentions the grace (charis) of giving ten times when urging the church in Corinth to send an offering to the saints in Jerusalem. In other words, the word “Charismatic” could be translated “Givermatic,” defined as people who give automatically and cheerfully. Whenever the offering bucket passes, we are excited about giving.
7. Charismatics are blessed.
A final meaning of the word “charis” is blessing. So, Charismatics are “Blessed-o-matics,” those who are automatically walk in the fullness of God’s blessing.